Category Archives: Plugin Releases
Feb 2, 2009
In Plugin Releases
Recently I was playing with some auto posting WordPress Plugin in my test server and it quickly filled up a particular category with posts. I then wanted to bulk-delete the posts belonging to a single category. But I could find any WordPress Plugin to bulk-delete posts based on category or tag. So I created one. 🙂
So guys I am releasing a new Plugin called Bulk Delete, which you can use to delete posts based on category or tag. I have also added abilities to delete all drafts, all post revisions or all pages.
The following is the screenshot of the admin interface.

Bulk Delete WordPress Plugin Screenshot
You can download the Plugin for my WordPress Plugin page.
Please note that there is no way to retrieve the posts once they are deleted. So be very careful while using this Plugin and also note that you cannot hold me responsible for any damages done. 🙂
Update: If you are just looking for a Plugin to move the posts from one category to anothe in bulk, rather than deleting them, then check out my Bulk Move Plugin instead.
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged Bulk Delete, Plugin, WordPress
Jan 31, 2009
In Plugin Releases
I have updated the my Open Flash Chart Core WordPress Plugin to version 0.4
This is a mandatory update. So please update it.
I have fixed a couple of bugs and have also introduced two new options which you can use in your own Plugins which depend on Open Flash Chart Core Plugin. The following are the two options.
- SM_OFC_PHP_INC – This constant contains the directory (include) path to the Open flash chart PHP library
- SM_OFC_INC_URL – This constant contains the url path to the open-flash-chart.swf file.
If you are a WordPress Plugin developer, check out the Plugin’s page to find out ways to intergrate this Plugin with your other WordPress Plugins.
You can download the latest version from the Plugin page.
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged Open Flash Chart, Plugin, WordPress
Dec 30, 2008
In Plugin Releases
Year End stats, my WordPress Plugin which displays some fancy stats about your blog, has been updated to 0.3
This version requires my Open Flash Chart Core Plugin to be installed and activated. Please note that you cannot use Year End Stats Plugin without activating Open Flash Chart Core Plugin. You can download Open Flash Chart Core Plugin from my Plugin page.
The major change in version 0.3 is the inclusion of flash based graphs (which you can save as image). You can see these graphs in action at (First 4 images)
If you prefer only text data, you can continue to use version 0.2 but if you want visualize the data graphically, then you need to upgrade to version 0.3
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged Open Flash Chart, Plugin, WordPress, Year End Stats
Dec 28, 2008
In Plugin Releases
Open Flash Chart is an excellent Flash-based, open source charting component which can be used to create high-quality charts with ease. The advantage of using flash is that you can create professional quality charts with minimum effort, but the only disadvantage is that the user viewing the charts needs to have Adobe Flash Plugin installed in his browser.
It is released under open source and you are free to modify it if you know Flash and Action Script. If you are planning to start, then it has excellent tutorials and a huge array of libraries. Both Akismet stats and WordPress stats Plugin use this for displaying data in charts.
I was playing with Open Flash Chart, sometime ago and decided to use it for my Year End Stats WordPress Plugin. Instead of just including the required files with the Plugin, I separated them out into a separate WordPress Plugin so that it can be shared by other Plugins as well.
You can download the Plugin file from my Plugin page and then upload it to your wp-contents directory.
If you are a WordPress Plugin developer, then you can check my Year End Stats Plugin to find out how to integrate Open Flash Chart in your WordPress Plugin.
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged Open Flash Chart, Plugin, stats, WordPress
Aug 13, 2008
In Plugin Releases
Yet another update to my Post2FF WordPress Plugin. Now the latest version (v0.5) supports scheduled posts too. You can download the latest version from my Plugin page.
Special thanks to Cmiper and Phill Price for reporting the bug. FriendFeed community really rocks! 🙂
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged FriendFeed, Plugin, Post To FriendFeed, WordPress
Aug 10, 2008
In Plugin Releases
Just a quick note to let you know that I have updated my Post2FF WordPress Plugin to v0.4, which I released last week.
Now there is a new option to specify the number of images that needs to be posted to FriendFeed. Earlier, it was taking all the images, but now you can control the number of images that needs to be posted by specifying it in the options page.

post2ff WordPress Plugin Options page
You can download the new version from the Plugin page. Don’t forget to reactivate the Plugin after uploading.
As always let me know if you have any feedback/issues.
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged FriendFeed, Plugin, Post To FriendFeed, WordPress
Aug 3, 2008
In Plugin Releases
Yesterday Thomas Hawk posted a message in FriendFeed saying that he is going to drop his blog from FriendFeed account and then going to manually share items, since FriendFeed posts blog posts without images.
There were lot of comments for that message and some felt that removing the blog from FriendFeed profile could result in identity loss.
I looked into FriendFeed API and found it to be very powerful and easy to use. So, using it I have created a WordPress Plugin, which will automatically post a message to your FriendFeed account with all the images in the post, every time you publish a new post in WordPress.
You can download the Plugin file from my Plugin page and then upload it to your wp-contents directory. Once activated, you have to enter your nickname and remote key in the settings page. You can get the remote key from FriendFeed API page.
Please note that currently it is only in the beta stage right now. I am planning to add more features to this Plugin, so if you have a nice feature in mind, let me know and I will try to implement it. Also let me know if you are facing any issues/bugs with the Plugin.
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged FriendFeed, Plugin, Post To FriendFeed, WordPress
Mar 15, 2008
In Plugin Releases
There was a thread in the WordPress hackers mailing (wp-hackers) list today discussing about the browse happy logo which is displayed in the footer of WordPress admin screens, when a user views the admin pages using Internet Explorer.
There were lot of arguments for and against the removal of this logo, at least for IE7. I found that there was even a ticket created in trac (WordPress public bug reporting database) for removing it, which was closed by Matt as wontfix. I personally felt it was a very minor thing to argue about and I neither agree nor disagree in removing it.
Someone in the thread suggested that we can create a Plugin which could output some CSS to hide the logo, which let me to create a very small (probably useless) Plugin called No Browse Happy Plugin. This is similar to the No Howdy Plugin by Ozh, very useless in my point of view but might matter a lot for someone.
If you look at the source code you could find that it is nothing fancy but just an echo statement which prints the following CSS code in the header.
#bh {
display: none;
In short, I just wasted two minutes to stop someone from wasting hours in arguing about something which is useless (at least in my point of view). 🙂
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged Browse Happy, Plugin, WordPress, wp-hackers
Feb 9, 2008
In Plugin Releases
I was looking for a way to reverse the order in which comments are displayed in a WordPress blog for one of my projects. After a bit of Googling I found a Plugin called Reverse Order Comments. A quick look into the source code revealed that it was rewriting the comment template and you need to edit the theme to make it work. My instinct told me that it would be easy to accomplish it using the array_reverse comment in PHP.
I followed my instinct and tried to see whether it is possible to do it in a simple way. In the end I accomplished it with less than 10 lines of code and more importantly without the need to edit the theme files. Another instance of the KISS principle in action 😉
I packed it as a Plugin so that you can just drop it into your plugins directory, activate it and then forget about it. It is called Simple Reverse Comments and you can download it from my Plugins page.
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged Plugin, Reverse Comments, WordPress
Reverse the order of comments without editing theme
Published Feb 9, 2008 | In Plugin Releases
I was looking for a way to reverse the order in which comments are displayed in a WordPress blog for one of my projects. After a bit of Googling I found a Plugin called Reverse Order Comments. A quick look into the source code revealed that it was rewriting the comment template and you need to edit the theme to make it work. My instinct told me that it would be easy to accomplish it using the array_reverse comment in PHP.
I followed my instinct and tried to see whether it is possible to do it in a simple way. In the end I accomplished it with less than 10 lines of code and more importantly without the need to edit the theme files. Another instance of the KISS principle in action 😉
I packed it as a Plugin so that you can just drop it into your plugins directory, activate it and then forget about it. It is called Simple Reverse Comments and you can download it from my Plugins page.
Posted in Plugin Releases | Tagged Plugin, Reverse Comments, WordPress | 7 Comments