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@balibones – How many revisions are you holding on to? You really don’t need them. http://sudarmuthu.com/wordpress/bulk-delete
Updated my BulkDelete WordPress Plugin to v1.0 http://bit.ly/v1a6Z Couple of bugs fixed It’s a mandatory update so do update to this version
Minha tradução para o português do plugin Bulk Delete Plugin para WordPress: http://sudarmuthu.com/wordpress/bulk-delete
Bulk Delete WordPress Plugin http://t.co/AqwaXsy via @sudarmuthu
Bulk Delete WordPress Plugin http://t.co/k1EjPqJ via @sudarmuthu
Bulk Delete WordPress Plugin http://t.co/oeJQe7G via @sudarmuthu
@Bonxy It depends on your web host. Check out the FAQ in the Plugin homepage at http://t.co/CiOT7mGU
Just updated my Bulk Delete WordPress Plugin to v1.9. Few bug fixes and the ability to delete specific pages added http://t.co/CiOT7mGU
Damn! Just found a bug in my Bulk Delete WordPress Plugin which had been there for more than 3 years. Fix is on the way http://t.co/CiOT7mGU
Thanks for this plugin. But I get this error while using it. When I tried to delete the posts in a category it pops me with the question that “Select atleast one category” eventhough I have selected the categories.
Thanks for trying out my Plugin.
Let me know in which browser and in WordPress version you are getting this error, so that I will try to fix it.
Thanks, it’s suitable with my purpose. Awesome plugin.
Nice to know that my Plugin was helpful to you. 🙂
You sir are a genius!!!!
This is a great Plugin
@scott, Glad that you liked the Plugin 🙂
still delete published post from draft (published post is always recognize as draft)
@Onreviews, Thanks for reporting the issue. I will look into it and will let you know.
This saved me a great deal of work, thank you. Is there a way of adapting it to bulk delete posts that are in Pending Review?
Nice to know that this Plugin was of help to you. Right now it is not possible to delete posts pending for review. However I will add this feature when I find some time.
Check out the latest version of the Plugin, it has support to delete posts which are pending for review.
Nice plugin, works very well. How about coming up with a bulk tag remover?
Nice to know that you like the Plugin and thanks for suggesting bulk tag remover. I will implement it when I find some time. 🙂
This is a great plug-in, and it seems to work fine in a test WordPress 2.7.1 installation I tried it out on.
Does anyone know of a recent plug-in that will delete posts in a specified category after a certain interval (say, over 90 or 180 days old) … that works in 2.7.1??
Thanks for sharing this code!
I am not sure if there is a Plugin to do that. I will try to add that feature to this Plugin if I get some free time.
I have updated the Plugin and have added the support for filter by date range. This feature is available from v0.4 and above. Try it out and let me know if you have any feedback.
Hi Sudar! I tried your plug-in today and it worked almost perfectly. The only problem is, that it does not delete the category that has 1234 posts. It starts to proceed, but after 2 seconds the page turns blank and nothing happens. Do you have an idea why, is there a limit or what do you think I should do?
I havn’t placed any limit on the number of posts that can be deleted in the Plugin code.
My guess is that the PHP script is timing out. Try to increase the timeout limit in your php.ini file.
Let me know whether it works after increasing the timeout.
Try out the latest version of the Plugin. Now it provides the option to delete posts in batch.
I did not try what you suggested, because I started to delete the posts manually and when there were less than 1000, I tried to bulk delete again and than it worked. Thanks anyway, your plug-in really helped a lot 🙂
Thanks for this plugin, worked like a dream and saved me a lot of time.
@Rob, Nice to know that my Plugin was of help to you.
I’m trying you’re plugin on a WordPress 2.7.1 install and trying to delete posts by cartegory but I seem to have bit hit by a problem another of you’re commenters have said. I can’t delete posts in a category with over 1000 posts. I was able to delete posts in a category of 518 posts and 18 posts.
But I have one category I want to clear out and it contains 6359 posts, as task I don’t want to do by hand. When I click delete, nothing happens. It just pulls up a blank page. It doesn’t look like a timeout because it doesn’t seem to do anything, unlike when you do delete successfully, where the page takes a few seconds to load.
Thanks for reporting the issue. I have tested it with only around 1000 posts before. I will try to see how it behaves when the number of posts is huge and will let you know if I fix the issue.
BTW You’re RSS feed linked to by the “Subscribe to the comments through RSS Feed” is broken. It seems to contain your blogs posts instead of comments on this post!
Thanks for letting me know about the issue with “Subscribe to comments feed”. Will fix this one too.
I did some digging and it looks like WP_Query breaks down if you try to query a category with more than 1000 posts and ‘nopaging’ enabled. I couldn’t find any useful info in my error logs. It just freezes. I’ve increased the PHP timeout and memory access too, but no affect.
So I did a little hack that seems to work, deleting the posts in pages. It does time out so you have to run it several times. But saves me a good hour or two of tedious manual clicking…
case "bulk-delete-cats":
// delete by cats
$selected_cats = $_POST['smbd_cats'];
/*$posts = $wp_query->query(array('category__in'=>$selected_cats,'post_status'=>'publish', 'post_type'=>'post', 'nopaging'=>'true'));
foreach ($posts as $post) {
// if you have more than 1000 entries in a category,
// querying them with nopaging breaks WP
$posts = $wp_query->query(array('category__in'=>$selected_cats,
while($posts) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$posts = $wp_query->query(array('category__in'=>$selected_cats,
It’s a pity you have to run the post to delete through wp_delete_posts because this creates many queries for each post. If you could delete the posts in one query and then tidy up, I think it’d be a lot more efficient and I wouldn’t hit the timeout.
The reason why I am running each post through wp_delete_posts is that, only this function deletes all references of the posts like attachements, comments etc. Let me see if I can reduce the amount of query so as that it doesn’t timeout.
One reason why deleting more than 1000 posts fails is that PHP might run of memory. Try out the latest version of the Plugin. I have added some optimizations to over these issues.
I’ve read some of you had a problem with categories with more than 1.000 posts in it. In these cases the script simply shows a white, empty page. Thats it… *grmpf*
I think I got a workaround, at least for those who have control over their server.
I tried to increase the PHP.INI max_execution_time as mentioned before, but that alone did not work.
In my case with a category with approx. 5.800 posts it worked with the following settings:
max_execution_time = 600 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 30; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 256M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
I think you need to increase both max_execution_time and memory_limit, even if these values are far too high for normal usage, dont forget to set to the initial values after the deletion is done!
I’m testing this on a 2.8 installation and it seems to be working great.
Like Robin, I also need the ability to delete posts that are older than say, 15 or 30 days. This would be a great feature.
I have added this feature to the Pluing. It is available from v0.4 and above. Try it out and let me know if you have any feedback.
Hi I tested last version 0.4 on wp2.7 and seems doesn’t works….
0.4 is meant for WordPress 2.8+ Can you try it in WordPress 2.8+
Also let me know what was the issue that you were facing.
Is it possible to add scheduled posts to a future update.
Having added a number of posts to my schedules list I realise they are not relevant and would like to remove them along with similar posts that have already posted.
I am working on adding an option to select future posts. It’s in the final stages and I will release the future by tomorrow. So stay tuned 🙂
v0.6 of the Plugin supports deleting future posts in bulk. Check it out and let em know how it works for you.
can you add also a feature to delete duplicate posts and make it working via cron?
Just downloaded the plugin and wiped uot a months worth of scheduled post!
Excellent work, thank you.
Nice to know that my Plugin was helpful to you. 🙂
@Sudar : Thanks for including the new features in 0.6… Unfortunately, I get the same blank page issue when running it against a category that has a huge amount of posts (> 20,000) … I wonder if I should adjust the php.ini settings (temporarily) to higher values temporarily to let your plugin run.
Thanks for sharing your work. 🙂
I am thinking of doing the delete in batches so as to prevent the script from timing out. Will implement it when I get some free time.
Would be interested to know if there is a max limit for deletions as this was an issue my partner raised about bulk deletions. Not just the php.ini settings but also about the string length generater to call the deletions. Does the plug in run in batches?
Just run the plug in on separate blog with great success.
I am sure it would require completely different programming but could you select posts based on say, single words or two word phrases? This would help select posts that are mixed in with others and not easily identifiable by category.
I know this is very different reqiurement but it would be useful for removing post featuring say a Trade Name or brand where a dispute happens.
Thanks anyway
What is the earliest version of wordpress that this plug in will work with?
I just tried it on an older blog and it failed
I don’t normally test my Plugins in older version of WordPress, but technically it should work in 2.5 and above.
In which version you are getting the error and if possible specify the error. I will see if I can make it backward compatible.
That’s my problem, they have been stripped out so I can’t see which version they are.
Any tell tales signs or coding notes that might identify them?
Any update on the automation process you mentioned in a post back in May? In other words, presetting the plugin to run a predetermined deletion process at a predetermined timeframe.
It is still in my todo list 😉
I faced some problem in scheduling code and left it there. I will dust off the code and will update it when I get some free time.
@Mike, I have finally added the ability to delete posts at a pre-determined timeframe. Checkout v3.2 of the Plugin.
Just installed this plugin, and I’m hoping it will work for me, but it’s not working right now. When I go to the Bulk Delete page, there’s nothing below the Warning tag. No categories to choose, no buttons to click. I’ve installed, deleted, and reinstalled the plugin multiple times, and no luck. Thoughts?
What is the version of PHP and WordPress you are using?
Thanks for the great plugin.
1) It would be great if this plugin can be scheduled to auto delete posts (via cron or something).
2) Another useful feature would be to remove posts containing/not containing a particular keyword.
Eg. Delete all posts whose title/post contains “flower”
or Delete all posts whose title/post does not contain “flower”.
Thanks for your suggestions. Both of them are there in my todo list and I will try to implement them when I get some free time.
I’m using 2.8.3, and I realize that this plugin only works up to 2.8.2. Any plans to update it?
There are no compatibility issues between 2.8.2 and 2.8.3 and that’s why I didn’t issue an update. You can very well use the Plugin in 2.8.3 without any issues.
It is still not working. I even updated/repaired my database, reinstalled WP, and reinstalled the plugin. Any suggestions?
The blank page was appearing when there are huge number of posts in an underpowered server. I have added some optimizations to prevent that from happening.
Try out the latest version of the Plugin, which has fixes for it.
I have updated several blogs to 2.8.3, from 2.8.2 and even 2.5.1 using both Installatron and Automatic Update plugin before installing and activating Bulk Delete, not had any problems so far. Not sure what that says to Sarah but it isn’t a problem for my instals
I have same problem as Sarah. WP 2.8.3 PHP 5.2.6-5
You can see screenshot here: http://www.ihuntsvillehomes.com/bulk
@Jeremy and @Sarah,
Thanks for posting the screenshot. There certainly seems to be something wrong.
Will it be possible for you to check the error log, to find out if there are any errors that have been logged by PHP or Apache?
I am not able to simulate it at my end, but if I could simulate it, then I can surely fix it.
I don’t know what I’m doing with PHP or Apache to check for errors….Instructions? (You can email if you want.)
Your plugin did not work for me. I am running 2.8.4 and have a news site that has about 10,000 plus posts in multiple categories. I try to delete posts in a sub category and it does not work. Goes to a blank page, I notice that the mysql queries have stopped on the server, and then nothing. I go back to the posts page to find that nothing has changed.
I guess the PHP script is getting timed out. Try to increase the timeout period in your php.ini file.
Hi, is it possible to delete tags with this plugin? Also when deleting posts where are relations to custom taxonomies, these relations are not deleted. Thank you for your help…
Right now it is possible to delete only posts and not tags. When a post is deleted, it will delete only the comments and attachments associated with the post. If it was associated with any tags or categories, it will remove the association with those tags or categories but will not delete them.
Hope this clears. Let me know if you still have any questions.
Yes, I understand, but when I use also custom taxonomies (some kinds of tags from WP 2.8, http://justintadlock.com/archives/2009/05/06/custom-taxonomies-in-wordpress-28) in posts, then association between particular post and custom taxonomy is not deleted. But it would be very helpfull if this association would be also deleted with deletion of posts…
Good point. I never thought of custom taxonomies, since I haven’t used them much. I will try to add this feature to the Plugin. Thanks for pointing it out.
Great, it would be very helpfull. And one more question, custom fields related to particular post are also deleted with this posts, right?
I am calling the wp_delete_post() function, which is the default one used by WordPress. So I guess it should also delete the custom fields. But I haven’t tested it, so I am not 100% sure. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I will have a look at it and if it is not deleting it, then I will add the code to delete it also.
Thanks for the plugin.
Now if you could only add in the options to Delete Categories and Delete Tags as well, that would be marvellous!
Nice to know that you liked the Plugin. Will add these features when I get some time.
hello sudarmuthu, why I get this error after activate it and go to the setting.
WARNING: Posts deleted once cannot be retrieved back. Use with caution.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function screen_icon() in /home/me/public_html/domain.com/wp-content/plugins/bulk-delete.php on line 143
fixed, I go to line 143 and delete this –>
and it work …
thank you this is great plugin, it save me alot of times, really appreciate it 🙂
Nice to know that you liked my Plugin.
Which version of WordPress you are using? Is it < 2.8?
This is an awesome plugin — saves me countless time.
Nice to know that my Plugin was helpful to you 🙂
Deleting the revisions will not delete the actual post, will it?
Deleting revisions will not delete the actual posts.
Very useful
Is this compatible with 2.8.4? I installed the plugin but nothing shows up when I try to use it.
Yeah it is compatible with WordPress 2.8.4. After activating the Plugin, you will see a new option under Settings.
Hi Sudar – any plans to update to work with WP 2.8.5? I just tried it and the Settings page only loads partially.
It is compatible with 2.8.5. Check your php error log and let me know the error that you are getting.
Does the delete process also delete taxonomy references in the database to the post being deleted? I use WP custom taxos for navigation on the site so records can be filtered by county, booking date, etc (other taxos) so when the post delete with the current plugin I use (custom built) the tags do not seem to delete so the count in the menu stays at say 350 when there are only 300 post in the DB. It would be great if your plugin also handled the deletion of tags referenced to a post.
Please let me know if this is supported.
I *think* the taxonomy references are also deleted. But I am not 100% sure. Need to test it.
I’m using WordPress 2.8.5 and successfully used your plugin once, then it stopped working and just immediately goes to a blank page no matter what options I try. No apparent errors in PHP log. Any ideas? Thanks…
I have 9,000 posts I would like to delete, I was able to delete categories under 600 just fine. I read thru all the replies here about increasing something that is timing out? how do I do that? I am not well verse in html. I am using the lates wordpress upgrade. Thank you
Thanks it helped me a lot.
A nice plugin.
I would ask you to direct the users to WordPress.org download page rather than being able to download the plugin from here directly.
You can ask the users to rate there itself.
I provide link to both the zip file (hosted in wordpress.org) and also to the Plugin page. The reason I post both the links is that, if the user wants to directly download the zip file, he can save one more pageload and click 🙂
I´ve installed the plugin vo.6 in WordPress 2.8.6, activated it but it seems not to be working at all.
I only get a blank page.
any idea?
Me again, problem was that my database was oversized. Solved it starting from zero (delete DB, reinstalling…) it´s working fine now
Thanks for the plugin.
Nice to know that you were able to solve the issue with the Plugin.
I’m running WP 2.9 and Bulk Delete is not working. I have something over 3000 drafts that i want to delete and the Bulk Delete screen shows only 10 drafts. When I click drafts and delete the system hangs up looking for the website. Any idea what’s wrong. I know 2.9 now has a trash function and things are not permanently deleted. Thanks
also timeouts for me. Deleting 6K posts always timouts. Did increase executin time in htaccess. Any updates on plugin expected?
how do i install this plugin?
Download the zip file and upload it to your wp-content/plugins directory and then activate it.
What do you mean by “upload it to your wp-content/plugins directory”? Thanks 😀
Hi Sudar
I just installed the plugin on 2.9.1, had to do it manually as zipped upload failed, message ” couldn’t move uploaded file to w-content/2010/01 or similar ( sorry should have copied it) but that is probably just an architecture problem.
Anyway, one activated I get a almost blank screen on the Setting page.
Just this, no input boxes.
Bulk Delete
Select the posts which you want to delete
Looks like 2.9.1 will need a tweak!
Thanks for the great plug in
The Plugins seems to be fine in WordPress 2.9.1 too. Kindly check your error log and let me know if you get any php error message in that.
Checked error logs and not showing any php failures, maybe I should just re-install?
Just tried to re-install and message
The uploaded file could not be moved to /home/nitmixc/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/01.
repeated, same as last time.
I will leave it until you see this comment
This is strange. Are you able to get other Plugins to work?
Also if possible provide me these details.
1) Which version of PHP you are running.
2) Approximate number of categories and posts.
3) Was it working before you upgraded to WordPress 2.9.1?
4) Also which version of Bulk Delete Plugin you are using (I assume you are using the latest one)
Tried uploading another plug in via the zipped upload feature but got the same result so it looks like an error due to upgrading to 2.9.1 from 2.7.1
I will try removing the plugin and ftp ing in
Okay try to upload the Plugin manually using FTP and let me know.
ftp it in and activated it, same result, empty setting page.
This looks like a bug in the wp upgrade.
I have the same problem. I downloaded the plugin and FTP’d it to my account. When I tried to delete a certain “category” which has about 1, 200 ++ posts, it just loads to a blank page.
Which version of PHP you are using? PHP4 or PHP5?
php 5.2.1
Hi Sudar,
This plugin is just what I’m looking for. I’m having same issues as above
I’m using PHP Version 5.2.11, WP-2.8.5 and the theme Thesis-1.6.
I have aprox 250 categories 2,000 posts that I would like to delete on a regular basis.
I get the blank manage screen also. Anything under the “Select the post which you want to delete” is blank. I switched Themes back to WP default to see if the theme had anything to do with it but no dice.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Hi Sudar,
I’m testing this plugin on my website. There is a bug. When I try to delete a category with about 2000 articles with “Only restrict to posts which are older than 120 days”, the plugin starts the process and finishes in 2 seconds and returns on the main screen of plugin: no posts were deleted. If I uncheck the “Only restrict to posts which are…” the delete starts for about 3 minutes and all posts in this category are deleted. Why, with days limit, does the plugin start and finish (with message “All the selected posts have been sucessfully deleted.”) without deleting posts?
thank you very much 🙂
ops, my wp version is 2.7 php version 5.2.12 mysql version 5.0.82sp1-log
Thanks 😀
Thanks for the plugin.
I have tried it on two sites. On the smaller one it worked nicely.
On the larger one (>12k posts), it doesn’t work at all, for the reasons highlighted in some of the comments above.
It is always likely to be more useful for sites with larger numbers of posts. Is there anything that you can do?
Thanks for the great plugin – saved me lots of time (thought I was going to have to write something from scratch to do the job!).
Might I be so bold as to make a suggestion though…
Where you call the built-in wordpress ‘delete_post’ function:
Would it be a good idea to pass the second parameter ‘force_delete’ (as true) or at least provide a switch in the plug-in to toggle this value?
The reason I ask, I had 5000+ posts to delete, and while it took some time, was much easier than mucking around with the database directly. But when I was finished with the plug-in I noticed that wordpress had just moved the posts to the trash – meaning they needed to be deleted again.
Reading the source of the ‘delete_post’ function I think ‘force_delete’ stops the post going to the trash (although I could be wrong).
Also, as the plug-in was failing to delete all the posts within the time allocated by PHP, I as others have suggested used the ‘max_execution_time’, ‘max_input_time’ & ‘memory_limit’ settings to extend the run time.
Might it be a good idea to add some fields to the plug in page so that users can insert these values without touching the plug-in code itself? For example, I edited your plug-in to look like:
Thanks again,
Thanks for the code and the idea. I will implement it later today and will release an update in a day or two.
I think that David’s suggestions are excellent. Could you upgrade your plugin to accommodate them?
I also discovered that with the latest WP version, all my hard work in deleting posts ended up in trash as more hard work.
There is an entry you can make to WP_CONFIG that forces deletion rather than trashing as an alternative solution.
define(‘EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS’, 0);
Best wishes
not working for me
I unfortunately discovered just now that my feedpress plugin was duplicating content to my site and I now have 59K duplicate posts! I have since deleted that stupid thing.
Your plugin looks like a lifeline to fix that issue, but here is the problem. I selected a “by category” to delete all the duplicate posts, and after hitting bulk delete, the server gives me a “500 internal server error” message.
I am on WordPress 2.9.2
1st, thanks a lot for this great plugin. This is really missing in WordPress.
Just to know, Sudar, did you fix the issue with the serveral 1000 posts deleting timeouts ?
On a shared hosting account there is no way to change the SQL timeout parameters.
Thanks for the good job.
First of all, Sudar, thanks for the update. It has answered most of my queries. Excellent stuff!
In answer to Laurent’s question, I haven’t specifically tried, but I did notice an option to delete posts in chunks, which will certainly be a big help with this problem.
Charlie, you said there is an option to delete posts in chunks ??
Where ? How ? I just understood this was something that Sudar will maybe implement, but not that there is a way to do it without hacking or updating the plugin.
Laurent, did you upgrade to v0.7 of the plugin ?
It now has the option to process deletion in batches (for example, 500 at a time)… as well as sending them to trash (or directly delete) amongst other things.
Hi Laurent
It’s as Robin mentioned. It appeared with v0.7. I didn’t get a message about it, other than being advised that there was an upgrade available from within WordPress.
Oh thanks Robin & Charlie.
I installed the update !
I will ask for help
I need something which will delete lots of post – but all are private – not published
I lead one web site where I publish some topics, but for registered members I offer to read rss aggregated post which has been aggregated from all some other web sites – Those topics are from same or very similar areas like web site I lead.
I remove all those private topics older than 2 months manually because it can be very huge amount of data.
Can this be suitable for that purpose – because I don’t see private posts – can this be tweaked for that also?
Thanks in advance
Right now the Plugin doesn’t support deleting private posts. It is there in my (long) TODO list. Will implement it when I get some free time. 🙂
Meanwhile, I can bump up the priority if you are ready to sponsor the Plugin 😉
I have just released version 0.8 of the Plugin with support for deleting private posts. Try it out and let me know if you have any feedback.
Trying out this plugin….. WordPress 2.9.2 plugin version 0.7….. trying to delete posts older than 200 days old in a specified cat. the plugin admin screen looks like it is working after clicking the button bulk delete. the screen comes back and says All the selected posts have been successfully deleted, however nothing is in the trash. (i selected trash, not delete)…. I even tried delete not trash, same results. Any help would be appreciated.
Are the posts getting deleted?
Thanks for the plugin, working fine on my 2.9 wp.
I would like to be able to delete all posts that match up with a certain taxonomy item. That would be great.
It’s in my todo list. Will add it once I get some free time.
I’m trying to use your bulk delete plugin and when I select what I want to delete the page refreshes to a blank page and nothing gets deleted. Not sure whats going on but there is definitely something wrong.
Any help is greatly appreciated
Let me know which version of PHP and WordPress you are using. Also check your PHP error log and let me know if you find something there.
PHP version is 5.2.4
and my wordpress is the latest 2.9.2
I didn’t find anything in my error log
Oh I should amend my above statement that once I hit the bulk delete button (categories) then it refreshes to a blank page with my browser (FF) reporting done.
This really seems strange. Just checked in PHP 5 and it seems to work.
Try to delete really small number of posts. Something like 5 or 10 and let me know if you are still facing the same issue.
This plug in saved me so much time.
I imported my blog from blogger to wordpress… for some reason, many posts were missing from the import. So, I made all of the more recent (done on WP) posts DRAFTS, and deleted everything but the drafts with the plug in.
I still have to re-import the (blogger) posts, then have a few days of re-categorizing and fixing bad links (blogger archive links are not formatted so WP can see them?)
Anyway — thanks for making the deletion process so much easier than 10 posts at a time.
Nice to know that my Plugin was of help to you 🙂
Comments like these really motivate me to spend more time on my free WordPress Plugins.
Hi there,
I have installed the latest version of this plugin on 2.9.2 version of wordpress. I am trying to delete around 15000 posts. No posts are being deleted. I did check off to delete in chunks but I get the same empty screen
after I click “bulk delete”
Any suggestions?
Check your php error log and let me know if you have any errors there.
Also let me know which version of PHP you are using.
Really great plugin! It helped me in development. Thanks a lot.
Hello Sudar,
Just installed Bulk Delete on the Oranjetwittert.nl but encountered a problem while starting the Bulk Delete user interface. Only the title and Yellow warning is shown. Could this be caused by the number of posts 45.000 in the Db? and if so is there a way to overcome this issue.
Hello Cees,
The number of posts in the db should not have any effect on the Plugin. I guess there is some PHP error which is causing this.
Can you check the PHP error log to see if there are any PHP errors? Also let me know which version of PHP you are using.
Will there ever be a function that allows the script to cron certain features? Or even jut scriptlets that could be triggered via regular cron jobs (i.e. delete_drafts.php, delete_old_posts.php)? I’m working on a site that will undoubtedly have hundreds, if not thousands of posts that are rejected and I’d like for those to be deleted after a certain # of days.
Right now I don’t have any plan to add the ability to delete posts by cron.
I might take it up, if you are willing to sponsor the development 🙂
case "bulk-delete-special":
$options = array();
$limit_to = absint($_POST['smbd_cats_limits_to']);
case "bulk-delete-special":
$options = array();
$limit_to = absint($_POST['smbd_special_limits_to']);
In fact, it should be smbd_special_limit_to (singular limit).
Thanks for pointing it out. I have fixed it in v1.0 of the Plugin.
Very nice plugin. 800 posts deleted in about 4 minutes. You save me a ton of time. Thanks! Kim
Nice to know that you liked the Plugin. 🙂
I’m having the same issue with a blank page when I click on the Bulk Delete menu option. I get:
Bulk Delete
Select the posts which you want to delete
Nothing below. Using WP 2.9.2 and PHP 5.1.6.
Please help ASAP. Thanks,
How many posts do you have totally? And also try to see if you are getting any errors in your PHP error log.
i tried to use this plugin but nothings shows up up. just an empty page shoed up when i am trying to use it.
What is the version of PHP you are using and also do you get any errors in your PHP error log?
I dont know my version of PHP. I am using wordpress 2.9.2. There is a error in log:
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/sfield10/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bulk-delete/bulk-delete.php on line 73
Did you edited the bulk-delete.php file after downloading it? Try reinstalling the Plugin.
I checked in WordPress 2.9.2 and it is working without any issues.
i did not touch anything. also i have tried reinstalling it. but it was same. now i am going to try in wp 3.0 and bulk delete 1.0.
the issue was same after using wp3.0 and bd1.0 and the issue secreenshot is: http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/3489/bulkdelete10.jpg
Hmm.. I am still not sure why you are facing this issue. Will it be possible for you to give me access to your blog so that I can check what is the problem.
is this SQL code execution works for deleting all drafts?
code: DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status = “draft”;
Just a warning!
Got my Host (Just Host) account suspended while using this plugin.
Heres the link to my suspended page: http://www.cheapsocceruniforms.net/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi?page=bulk-delete.php (you will notice the bulk-delete plugin at the end of the url.
The host told me that while using this plugin, used up 33% of there CPU resources.
Anyone else got there host suspended while using this plugin?
This is interesting.
How many posts were you trying to delete and what is the name of your hosting company?
Just installed your wonderful plug in on yet another blog but got a strange problem on this one. Install is WP 2.8.3 with BD 1.0
This blog has 18,00 plus post but none show up in the Mange BD screen. Not a blank screen but no posts listed in any of the ( post count) in any subcategory of posts, nothing in the Categories either.
Any suggestions?
What is the version of PHP that you are using and also see if there are any errors in your PHP error log.
Hi Sudar,
I’ve installed BulkDelete v1.0 on my WP v3.0 Blog, but it’s not working!
Everything seems like it is but when I look to my total posts count no posts have been deleted at all.. :/
Hopefully you’ll be able to fix this.
What is your PHP version?
What are the options you have selected to delete the posts?
I can’t thank you enough for this plugin!
I had over 2,800 posts on my site that had to be deleted, and I was dreading spending an afternoon clicking through page by page to get rid of them.
You just saved me god knows how many hours of work.
Nice to know that my Plugin was helpful to you 🙂
I need your help please.
I have tried uploading your plugin many times. I have many posts to delete. I have tried everything for 2 hours. I don’t have much time…I just have a blank screen on the plugin manage page. I have the header, and the caution warning but that’s it.
I am using wordpress 2.9.2 and Safari browser, but I also tried uploading and activating in IE also.
I downloaded v. 1.0 and then I downloaded and activated 1.1.0 but still no luck
I look forward to your help…thank you!
thank you
What is the version of PHP you are using?
Nice one mate – many thanks. I had 2,500 unwanted posts (auto Twitter… 🙁 ) – fortunately all posted to the same category.
Zapped ’em good. Didn’t want to be doing them one at a time…
Many thanks
Nice to know that my Plugin was helpful to you. 🙂
Hi, thanks the work…..
This plugin use to work previously but it seem like having some problem after my post increase.
1. Error msg show, it over ram limit.
then i increase the php ram limit, but now it stop at no where (blank page) and nothing delete.
btw my site with 190k post :), previously working on 180k post. 🙂
thanks again
Try increasing the amount of RAM a bit more. Also check what is the maximum amount of RAM that can be allocated to a particular process in your server.
Thanks Sudar …..
yah i increase to 1024 and it working now 🙂
If I delete 100 posts, each of which has an image in it, and a corresponding thumbnail created by the media library automatically, does the plugin also delete the images associated with those deleted posts?
That would be good for cleaning out the library, too.
Hi… It is not working.
For example, the count doesn’t show next to the delete options.
I select delete all, and also tried a limit to 5 test and nothing gets moved or deleted from my pending posts.
I have over 4000 pending posts and need to remove a good size bulk.
Please help.
Thank you much 🙂
Latest version of WP
You might have to increase the memory limit in your php.ini file. Also checkout if you are getting any error in your PHP error log.
Try out the latest verion (1.2+) of the Plugin. I have fixed some issues and have added optimizations. Try it and let me know if you still face any issues.
Thanks for this, I’ve been looking all over for a way of doing this. Lifesaver 🙂
Your plugin is not working I selected my category as i only have 1.
I made sure my PHP.ini file was increased
It says its deleted the posts in that category
but I go and look and they are still there
Same applies for pending posts
Your plugin is not working!
Give me the following information, so that I can try to debug the issue
1) Your PHP version
2) Bulk Delete Plugin version
3) WordPress version
Also tell me how many posts you are trying to delete.
HI there Your plugin is not working I selected my category as i only have 1.
I made sure my PHP.ini file was increased
It says its deleted the posts in that category
but I go and look and they are still there
Same applies for pending posts
Your plugin is not working!
your plugin is great. Thanks. I wanted to propose one thing. I don’t need this plugin if I have a few post. Right? I need this plugin if I need to delete e.g. 60.000 posts (which I really have).
You can imagine what will happen to wp database of you try to delete 60.000 posts. It would be great if you could integrate some kind of scheduled progress e.g. so plugin will delete 30 per 30 posts until everything is done.
Be good
Right now I don’t have plans to write a scheduler. But if I get some free time or if someone is ready to sponsor the development, I might code it. 😉
Just installed and nothing shows up, when I go to bulk delete page just the title. I used it with succcess with last version of wp.
All I see is Select the posts which you want to delete nothing else.
Can you check your error log and let me know if there are any errors displayed there?
Try out the latest version of the Plugin (1.2+) which fixes the blank page issue.
Hi Sudar!
I find this plugin very useful, but I miss two things:
– Option to bulk delete all posts in trash.
– Options to bulk delete posts based on user (i.e. delete all posts from an user, delete all posts from an user in a certain category, etc…).
Are you willing to add these features? 🙂
These things are there in my todo list. Will add them when I get some free time.
Possible to add cron job features ? so i can use cron job to delete certain amount of post every night without slowing down the server 🙂
Thanks really great plugin ::)
It’s there in my todo list. Will do it when I get some free time 🙂
Hi! Great plugins!
Is there any easy way to get the bulk delete plugin to automatically delete posts in a certain category ever night at 11pm, for example?
I’ve been looking for a plugin or hack to to do this, but so far haven’t found anything.
Thanks for your help!
Right now it is not possible to schedule delete. You have to manually delete the posts.
Hi Sudar,
I am facing the same problem as kimi.
Just installed and nothing shows up, when I go to bulk delete page just the title. Doesn’t seem to work with 3.0.4
All I see is Select the posts which you want to delete nothing else.
I am not sure if my previous comment got posted, but I am facing the same issue as kimi is facing. I dont see anything in the error logs. No other plugins are activated and i am using this plugin on 3.0.4 with twentyten.
Just installed and nothing shows up, when I go to bulk delete page I just see the title.
All I see is Select the posts which you want to delete nothing else.
I am not sure what is going wrong. But since many people are facing the same issue, I think I might have to get to the root of the issue to fix it.
Will it be possible for you to give me access to your server to debug the issue?
sent you and email.
Thanks for giving me access. I have added some optimizations and have released the latest version of the Plugin with these changes.
Great plugin. Exactly what I need – except I need to schedule this as a cron tab to run every day.
The script delete entries from RSS feeds, hence they grow very quickly.
Great plugin. Exactly what I need – except I need to schedule this as a cron tab to run every day.
The script deletes entries from RSS feeds which grow very quickly.
How can I schedule my delete query? Even if the url was displayed next to the “bulk delete” button, I could then schedule this via Curl.
Right now the Plugin doesn’t support cron. It is there in my Todo list. Will add it when I get some free time.
Meanwhile, if you are ready to sponsor the feature, then I might try to do it a little quicker. 🙂
Feature request: Expandable/collapsible taxonomies
I need to delete all the posts of a particular term of a custom taxonomy. Also on a less important note my list of tags is frightfully long. It would be great if I could chose not to expand the tags and have the option to expand only the taxonomies I choose.
Added to my todo list. Will work on it when I get some free time.
I would like to add a vote for deleting by a particular taxonomy.
Perhaps to make this easier, you could first implement this for hierarchical taxonomies that behave like categories.
Thanks, Jack
The current version of the Plugin supports deleting posts by taxonomy.
I would like to add my vote for adding the ability to delete by individual taxonomy.
Perhaps, to make it easier, you could add support for hierarchical taxonomies which emulate the behavior of categories.
Cheers, Jack
It seem like the plugin won’t work for wpms 🙂
It used to work fine till i upgrade my site to wpms and multi db ….
any solution ?
I am not sure why it will not work in WPMS.
Can you explain a bit of what is the actual issue you are facing in WPMS?
How hard would it be to add Custom Post Types to this plugin? So that I can choose “Delete all CustomPostTypeX.” It would be a bonus if we could select both a post type and a taxonomy filter, but custom post types alone would be great.
Adding support for Custom Posts is not very difficult but at the same time is not very trivial also.
It is there in my todo list and would work on it when I get some free time.
From v3.5 of the Plugin you can delete posts by custom post types as well.
i think main reason why bulk delete not working on my wpms, should be i using multi DB setup … basically i run 16 data base on wpms 🙂
The plugin can also be used to delete all posts that do not have associated tags?
thanks a lot 😉
Sudar, many thanks for creating & offering this wonderful plugin to the world of WordPress users.
I’ve just downloaded & installed it on our first ECommerce WP affiliate store tonight. It’s been so handy being able to import the merchant’s datafeed in to test our shop setup, then use your Bulk Delete plugin to remove all 374 products (as posts) in an instant, as we finetune everything.
Shall Tweet & Facebook Share now. May you have a great year ahead!
Nice to know that you really liked my Plugin.
This was of great help. However, it couldn’t delete when deleting by categories if the count is huge, like, 40,000 posts in a category. Even if I use the option to delete first n posts.
i would appreciate if you can add the functionality to delete published posts with no content or specific words in the content.
That’s there in my TODO list, but unfortunately that list is pretty long now. Will fix it when I get some free time.
Just tried to use this and get a 500 error saying to try again later?
I’m getting this error when trying to delete posts by tags. It was working fine before but not anymore. Any Suggestions?
The website encountered an error while retrieving http://www.lagunaagent.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=bulk-delete.php. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.
It means your server has run out of memory. Either increase your server memory or try to delete in batches.
I have 4,000+ comments for my various posts. They are spam.
I hoped to use your plugin to delete them. I don’t think it can.
In essence I want to delete all records in wp_comments where comment_approved = 0.
Do I have to do that manually using SQL?
Right now my Plugin won’t do that. Yes you might have to do a SQL query.
Hi there. I have PHP5 and, since I upgraded to WP3.3.1, I cannot delete any posts. I’m using Bulk Delete 1.7, but now get an internal sever error 500, even when I restrict the number of deletions to say only 50.
Any idea how I can get this working again?
Many thanks!
I used the plug-in. I’m trying to delete all pages. Got a screen that says it was successful but all the pages are still there
Recently I found a issue with the Plugin. It is fixed in v2.0 of the Plugin. Try the latest version and let me know if it works now.
This plugin doesn’t appear to be working anymore. Had to run an SQL query instead.
What is the issue you are facing? Are there any error message in the error log? Is your server running out of memory?
If you could include some more debugging information, then I can find out the reason why the Plugin failed.
I had time to play around with a smaller set of posts this time (I was processing about 500 before) and it worked just fine so must be a memory issue. I’ll play around with the php.ini settings until I get what I need. Thanks for responding Sudar.
Very useful! Ability to delete revisions is my favorite feature 🙂
Hello Sudar,
i really apprcateur effort on creating this plugin. i was lookinf for long a plugin like this which could delete our posts in bulk specially when our blog is on auto. i downloaded it just a day ago an start using it. i seem there is a bug in it. it dont delete once we try to delete it on categoy basis and time related i.e i wanted to delete all the pstsfrom certain categories which where 7 days old.. i tried it so many times.. but it dont.. m’i mising something.. pls enlighten me if i’m doing something wrong
Hello Sudar,
i really appriciate ur effort on creating this plugin. i was lookinf for long a plugin like this which could delete our posts in bulk specially when our blog is on auto. i downloaded it just a day ago an start using it. i seem there is a bug in it. it dont delete once we try to delete it on categoy basis and time related i.e i wanted to delete all the pstsfrom certain categories which where 7 days old.. i tried it so many times.. but it dont.. m’i mising something.. pls enlighten me if i’m doing something wrong
Let me have a detailed look at the Plugin over the weekend to see if there is any bug in the code.
There was bug in the code that handled dates. I have fixed the bug in v2.0 of the Plugin. Try out the new Plugin and things should work fine.
Let me know if you still face any issues.
Hi Sudar, I know Iv’e asked this question before and you have told me its a memory issue, but something is not adding up.
I like to delete by tag’s. I usually permanently delete and select the option delete post that are older than 2 days. Once upon a time this worked well but for some reason it dose not work anymore. After setting it up and clicking delete I get the message “All the selected posts have been sucessfully deleted” but nothing was deleted. I know this is not a memory issue because when I select “All Tags” without selecting any options, its processes for a while and deletes them all without a timeout. Any ideas what may be wrong?
Looks strange. Let me have a detailed look at the source code this weekend to see if there is a bug in the code.
Just confirmed the bug. Fix is on the way. Thanks for reporting.
Fixed it in v2.0. Kindly update to the latest version and let me know if you are still facing this issue.
Hi Sudar,
Just updated to Version 2.0 via WP Auto update. I tried it and same problem.
1) Checked delete by tags, 2) Only delete post older than 2 days, Delete-!
I get the success message but nothing has moved.
Hmm that’s strange. What are the published dates of these posts that you are trying to delete?
I have multiple RSS feeds auto publishing single posts. New posts are published daily but when the product is no longer available the feed for that post is removed. I have on average 1,500 posts at any time. I simply use your plugin to refresh the posts so the unavailable products will be removed. I can delete them all and the available products will be re-posted but that uses unnecessary memory.
Thank You Sudar. You if I can get that working again it will be awesome. Question, in the future do you plan to have an automatic option that we can set up to delete posts on a schedule? For example delete the selected tags automatically every 2 or 3 days?
Yes it is there in my TODO list, but I am not getting enough free time to implement it and my TODO list is pretty long. If someone is ready to sponsor the feature then I can increase the priority of this feature 😉
How much would run Sudar?
Thanks for asking. Something in the range of $50-$100 should be fine. I expect around a week to 10 days of coding and testing for adding the ability to delte by a cron job.
Thanks Sudar,
I am interested, Where can I send you some additional information?
You can send me an email. You can find it at my contact page http://sudarmuthu.com/contact
I installed and activated the Bulk Delete plugin. I selected the option “Delete these specific pages ” typed in 707 as the page id selected Delete permanently, then clicked Bulk delete. the page remains???
Please help?
Thank you.
You can’t delete by ID’s. You can only delete by permalinks.
Hi Sudar, I’ve used your Bulk Delete plugin in the past, but today on a new install, it doesn’t seem to be working at all. After the install, when I click on “manage” there’s no option to delete any post, all I see is a warning saying (in spanish): “Warning, impossible to recover deleted posts”. You can see a screen capture here:
It’s quite strange that the error message is in spanish. Do you think the problem might be on having a spanish wordpress instalation?
Forget about it. All the delete options were (quite) further down the page.
Thanks a lot!
This is actually strange. There seems to be some CSS issue. Can you give me the following details for debugging?
I fixed the alignment issue in v2.1 of the Plugin. Try it out and let me know if you are still seeing alignment issue in your screen.
I have been looking for a plugin to remove old posts for some time, yours is the closest one I can find that does what i need. Thank you for your time and efforts. however, I’d like to request a feature. I hope you will consider it.
I would like to be able to delete posts based on the number of page views it has or hasn’t received, further more it would be totally awesome if it could be set to automatically delete these posts every 30, 60, or 90 days.
Thanks for reading I look forward to your response.
Jimmy Nocode
Deleting based on page views is a good feature to have, but unfortunately I don’t have time to implement it. Will do it when I get some free time.
If you are willing to sponsor the development, then I can probably do it a little quicker.
what’d you have in mind? my budget isn’t really bubbling, with my site’s barely making enough to cover hosting fees. but I’d be willing to send something your way. soon as my next adsense check clears I’ll cut you in.
Thanks for your willingness to sponsor the development. I have send you an email regarding the same.
tell you what, I’ll send two $50 donations, one each time my ad sense check clears. thanks for your time.
Thanks for the support. I will start the implementation over the weekend.
It seems the plugin does not work with custom post types, is there any way to work around that? Perhaps an update soon?
Right now the Plugin doesn’t support custom post types.
It is there in my (rather long) TODO list. Will implement it when I get some free time or someone sponsors my development time.
I have added support for deleting posts using custom post types in v3.5 of the Plugin.
Please build in the ability for the plug-in to run daily in some sort of cron job. This is exactly what I need but would like to have the plugin perform the operation daily.
It is there in my ToDo list and lot of people are asking for it. It is just that I have to find some free time to do it.
@Tony, I have finally added the ability to schedule auto delete of posts like a cron job. Checkout v3.2 of the Plugin.
this is a helpful tool thank you. But I’m experiencing the problem that when I am re-importing the posts which I deleted with Bulk Delete the system is telling me that these posts are still existing. Is there a special switch or a commit function I have to activate?
Thank you Palo
I just saw that that I selected the “move to trash” radio button instead “delete permanently”. Everything runs fine. My question above is obosolete. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Great tool!
Just downloaded bulk delete and am getting Warning: Missing argument on wp-includes. Any remedy?
Can you post the exact error message and the version of WordPress and Plugin you are using?
Issue in Wp 3.5
Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), in /wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
What about a option to delete all posts with empty content? 😉
That’s really a nice idea. Added it to my TODO list. Will implement it when I get some free time.
Or, if you are interested the source code is at https://github.com/sudar/bulk-delete 🙂
Hello, thank you for sharing the plugins you have developed with us. I installed the current version (2.2.2) of Bulk Delete and when I go to manage the plugin I get this error at the bottom of the page: “Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_taxonomies() in /var/www/html/portal/blog/wp-content/plugins/bulk-delete/bulk-delete.php on line 632”. Am I missing a file that contains that function or any idea why I am getting that error? I am currently using Firefox 19.0.2.
What is the version of WordPress you are using?
is a WordPress function that got introduced in WordPress 3.0.0 – http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_taxonomiesNot sure what’s happening, but after the latest revision I am getting a 500 server error. Deleted the plugin, reinstalled but still have the server error.
That is really strange. Can you let me know what is your PHP version? Also are you able to find anything in PHP error log?
Dear Sudarm
Your plugin is wonderful but the last time I used it l(also the first time it also dieleted all my writing. I am a writer (short stories, essays. novel excerpt, everything.Obviously, my pages, categories are also considered posts. I’m a fraid to use it again until I solve this problem Meanwhile, the garbage “comments” which I guess are also considered “posts” are piling up. Oh. and all those comments. posts I was trying to delete were “pending”.
Sorry, I am not sure if I understand your problem. Can you tell me exactly what is the problem that you are facing?
am trying to bulk delete 386 ‘General’ posts but it seems the software hangs or freezes. 🙁 help please.
Check the first item in FAQ in this post.
I guess PHP is running out of memory.
When might you have a version of Bulk Delete compatible with WordPress v3.7? It looks like just what I am desperate for, but I am using version WordPress v3.7 and it is not running in that version. Thank you.
Just give me time till next week to add compatibility for WordPress 3.7.x. You can track the progress at https://github.com/sudar/bulk-delete/issues/32
I have released v3.4.1 of the plugin and it is compatible with WordPress 3.7.1
Hello. When I use this app to delete subscribers it just loads a blank page. Any suggestions?
Can you give me the following details?
Can I use your plugin?
Sure go ahead. What is stopping you? 😉
Hi, is it possible with your plugin to delete only posts which have no comments?
Right now it is not possible, but I have added it to my todo list. You can track the progress here https://github.com/sudar/bulk-delete/issues/52
Would you be interested in buying an addon if I implement this feature?
Hopefully, if my client wants to. If you can add the scheduling delete that would be great. Thanks.
I really find this plugin useful and wanted to add a feature request…. My main need–usgae is for managing subscribers – or rather spam subscribers
Feature request:
To be able to bulk delete users based on any submitted user data e.g. by email address where a text match is used. Examples
-delete all pending users with email address /hotmail/i
-delete all users with username /ugg/i
Pro feature – allow this to be scheduled
Thanks for the suggestion. That’s a good feature to have. I have added it to my todo list and you can track it at https://github.com/sudar/bulk-delete/issues/54
Thanks for this time saving post
Hi, i bought some days ago the Pro version for schedule delete posts. When i do manual delete (for example, delete posts older than 30 days) all it’s ok, but when i schedule the same options for run each day, next day he delete all posts except posts posted around last 12 hours…
That’s a big problem, i bought plugin cause i need to run this schedule every day for delete posts older than 30 day, but he delete pretty everything…
Sorry for my english.
Can you post the screenshot with all the options that you have chosen? Also will it be possible for you to give me access to your server?
It’s possible to have your skype? So i will give all what you need
My skype id is sudarmuthu. Or you can also contact me in email or gtalk at sudar@sudarmuthu.com
I have not heard back from you. Are you still facing the issue?
If yes do ping me in skype or gtalk or send me an email with the details that I requested.
Its possible delete post and images attachments in the WP?
Hello Luis,
Right now my plugin can be used to only delete posts. Deleting image attachments is not supported yet.
Wow! I was not aware that this plugin can do these much works…Thank you for sharing fantastic information about one WordPress plugin…
I only want to ask that how much of website speed would be influenced by this plugin??? Would there occur loading page problem?
Hello Jennifer,
Nice to know that you like my plugin.
By default the plugin code will be loaded only in admin pages. So you shouldn’t see any different in speed in the frontend of your website.
When you schedule deletion using an scheduler addon, then the plugin uses wp cron to trigger those schedules. Even in those scenarios the frontend of the website shouldn’t have any impact in speed.
Can I delete duplicate post using function.php
Hello Katya,
My plugin allows you to delete the posts from UI. If you need to delete posts through code, then you may have to implement it yourself.
I am using woocommerce, and wp all import. I need to delete all of the products that were imported on July 10 2017(the previous programmer imported the entire master file with products that have zero quantities or discontinues). I downloaded your plug in, and tried to select different options, post status, by category, and restrict to post what are old than 180 days, and move to trash… only delete first 2000(I tried different numbers) but nothing happen after I click bulk delete, it is like the plug in does not even open to do anything
please advise how to get your plug in to work. published right now is 15K items, current import file that has quantities only has 3544 rec, so I need to delete close to 12K of old items on my site, and then the draft folder has 10K items that also need to be deleted
Hello Clara,
I think there is some problem in loading our plugin. Can you please post a screenshot?
Hi, Nice plugin. How do I move posts from a category to a tag, and then delete them from the category?
Hello Jurgen,
Nice to know that you like my plugin.
To move posts from category to tag, you can use my ‘Bulk Move‘ plugin. Once you have moved the posts, then you can delete the category.
When i upload the bulk-delete-scheduler-for-deleting-posts-by-title-0.6 it doesnt give me the option to activate using the License Key
great plugging.
Thank you very much for such an interesting post.
Hello, I have purchased the pro plugin “Scheduler for Deleting Posts by Content Addon” but when I want to activate it I get the message that the addon “Bulk Delete plugin” must first be installed and activated before the pro plugin can be activated. But the addon “Bulk Delete plugin” is already installed and activated on my website …. I tried to install it again but I get the same message
I missed putting in the scheduler addon license when it first popped up. Is there anyway to put the license numbers in afterwards. I don’t get the popup that requests the license number even though I reinstalled it.
Hello Hugh,
You can follow the instructions at https://bulkwp.com/docs/installing-addon/ to activate the add-on license.
Hi Sudar,
the plugin works well although the scheduled jobs expire after the first run. For instance, I schedule a delete post to run every week but it does not schedule again after the first run. It might be related to my hosting which I’m changing now. However, please check…
Esta es una de las publicaciones que he hecho en mi publicaciones mi website, pero esto lo hago como una prueba adicional.
Tangks artikel informasi
Thanks for plugin info. Very useful.
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Excellent article. Thanks so much for commenting on the post. Obviously, I really appreciate it
Will installing the bulk delete program damage my cusomized css
Hello @Sudar,
Thanks for this plugin. I have an issue with my WP website and I hope your plugin can help me.
There are about 5,000+ spam accounts on my WP website that I want to delete. I noticed that some of these accounts have mails ending with @mail.ru so I want to start the deletion process from there.
I used
user meta – user-mail
“ends with”
Meta value – @mail.ru
But it’s still not working, can you tell me what I’m doing wrong or how you can help me?
Hello @Sudar,
Thanks for this plugin. I have an issue with my WP website and I hope your plugin can help me.
There are about 5,000+ spam accounts on my WP website that I want to delete. I noticed that some of these accounts have mails ending with @mail.ru so I want to start the deletion process from there.
I used
user meta – user-mail
“ends with”
Meta value – @mail.ru
But it’s still not working, can you tell me what I’m doing wrong or how you can help me?
I’m using the latest version of WordPress and the plugin
Great job! This website has become one of my favorites.
toto 4d
What a great plugin and much under-rated!
An evil-minded hacker found his/her way into my website and loaded my website up with over 500 posts. Fortunately, They were set to pending so the only real damage was that I was faced with having to delete them – Bulk Delete to the rescue! Thank you!
Just one observation – I am using WP 3.4.2 with the Atahualpa Theme and after using Bulk Deleteto remove all ‘Pending’ posts I got a bit of a shock when the only Posts left showing under All Posts were the last three. The number of posts shown as remaining is over 300 and while they don’t show under ALL POSTS, I was relieved to find that they displayed correctly on the web. However, as they don’t show under All Posts I can’t open any to edit them – Any suggestions?
It takes sometimes for the cache to get cleared.
Are the posts still not listed in the admin backend?