Category Archives: Random/Personal

Random thoughts and rants

ICICI Bank now supports Firefox

It’s been nearly a year since I moved from IE to Firefox and I never returned back, expect for certain sites that have the “IE Only” tag. Once such website is They used ActiveX heavily and it was rendering only in IE. I installed the IEView Firefox extension to automatically load it in IE, whenever I type the url.

But recently I have noticed that they have started to support Firefox too. That’s really great news for me and for Firefox too. The other day Asa was saying how Korea’s largest portal/search site started to support Firefox. Probably he should even to that list.

I would be really happy if even the BSNL broadband site also starts to support Firefox, as it is the only site that I view in IE.

PS: BTW have you ever wondered what is the full form of ICICI, it is actually Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India. Thank Sushhubh.

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Happy Birthday, to me

Well I am turning 23 today.

It’s just 12 am now and I have already got a couple of phone calls from my friends. It’s really a nice feeling to know that some one remembers your birthday.

Thank you, guys for the wishes. You have really made my day bright.

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My new mobile

I just brought a new Sony Ericsson K700i mobile, since I lost my old one.

This one has all the features that I had in my old one (Sony Ericsson T630) plus lot of other ones too for the same price. The new features being Video recording, FM Radio and bigger storage space (41 MB) compared to just 2 MB which I had in my old one.

Lot of people suggested me to buy a Nokia mobile, but I became a Sony Ericsson fan after using one for about a year now.

I wanted to buy K750i but that was too costly. Hmm may be I will get it once I loose this one 😉

I have to buy a Bluetooth adapter so that I can connect my mobile with my PC and after that have to look for some software to backup up my contacts and also the pictures that I take using my mobile.

Can anyone suggest some good softwares which I can use to connect my mobile with PC.

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My Weekend – SCJP before the end of 2005

It’s been quite a while since I have been talking about my certifications. There were some comments about them too.

The reason being that I was bitten by the ‘Lazy Bug’ and now some how I have overcome that and I am planning to finish SCJP before the end of 2005.

I was able to overcome this ‘Lazy Bug’ because of the frustration that I faced this weekend.

Warning: If you’d rather not read a rant, please move on – Seriously.
Note: I stole this warning message from here. Hopefully Jeremy doesn’t mind this one 😉 😉 ) Hopefully ‘Lazy bug’ doesn’t bite me again.

If you had followed this one up till here then here is some interesting information. Do you know how I composed this one? I wrote in a paper with a pen (yes believe me) and then typed it during my lunch time at office.

Does any one else got affected by this ‘Lazy bug’? Share them here.

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Another spam email

Here is another interesting funny spam which has escaped Gmail’s spam filters and found it’s way to my inbox.

This one claims to be from eBay and is structured in the same way as an legitimate email. Even I was about to click the Respond button. But then something striked me. All the emails that I have received were only from and not from And so I hovered my mouse over the link and found that it is getting redirected to some other server and not eBay. So as usual I clicked ‘Report Spam’

So the lesson learned. If you need some laugh and have some time to spend, then go to your spam/bulk folder and read those emails. But one word of caution don’t reply to them or click any of those links, they may track you and may find that your email is active.

Happy Spaming….;-)

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A funny spam mail

Some days ago Jeremy was talking about a funny spam email that has escaped Gmail’s spam filter. And today even I got one such funny spam mail.

Just look at the screen shot.

The funny part is that the email shows my email address in the senders address and also in the subject line. This one was delivered to my inbox ( not in spam). And added to that when I clicked more options, Gmail doesn’t show that it was mailed from some other domain (which means that it was indeed sent from a Gmail address itself)

I am not sure whether I should report this as spam to Gmail. My reason for my fear is that I am not sure whether Gmail will consider my email address itself as spam or not when I report this mail. More over I am not sure yet whether some one else has received this mail with my email address in the from email address.

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My right hand has less work now

GMail has spoiled my mouse usage to a great extend. The recently introduced Google Reader was also having keyboard shortcuts. So I thought of changing to Google Reader from Bloglines. So I logged into Bloglines and I was about to export my subscription list as a OPML file but to my surprise I saw a bunch of hotkeys on its footer. Viola! Bloglines too have keyboard shortcuts and I dropped the idea of switching.You could see them in the footer.

Here is the list

  • j – next article
  • k – previous article
  • s – next sub
  • f – next folder
  • A – read all
  • r – refresh left pane

I wonder how things change suddenly when there is a competition. As I always used to say it’s the users who are going to get benefited when there is a competition.

Now I just can’t wait to see Bloglines redesign its interface and Google Reader introducing more cool features.

So because of Keyboard shortcuts Bloglines is still my feed reader.

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Apple vs Microsoft

I was going through CNET’s editor’s top 10 list and found some wired pattern.

Apple has two products listed in the “Top 10 products of the decade” – iPod (2001) and Apple iMac (1998) and Microsoft has two products listed in the “Top 10 worst products of the decade” – Microsoft Bob and Windows ME

Does it infer anything?

Incidentally Google and Firefox also find a place in the “Top 10 Best products of the decade“.

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Two companies change hands

I was reading Robert Scoble and he reports that two companies are changing hands. First Skype is sold to eBay and Oracle buys Siebel.

He also discuss about the advantages that eBay may get by using Skype.

Some people have come up to me and asked me “does this deal make any sense to you?” It does. eBay is a marketplace. It’s about putting buyers and sellers together. Now, how can you make that marketplace more efficient? Voice and video.

Selling things is easier when you can tell and show. Skype is all about that.

Can’t wait to see how this is going to change the way people buy things online.
Hopefully at least this is true, not like the Technorati rumor

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My First Podcast

Just now finished my interview with Kamla. The feeling that my voice is getting recorded made me little restless in the beginning but once I got started the restlessness vanished. I just cannot wait to hear my voice back. She said that she will probably post it later today. So guys be ready to read err listen my first podcast. I will post the link as soon as it is uploaded.

Thanks Kamla for making my view reach the public and also for your great tips.

Update: Here is the link for the podcast

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