Category Archives: Plugin Releases
Jul 17, 2009
In Plugin Releases
I have decided to retire my Simple Reverse Comments Plugin. It is no longer needed on WordPress version greater than 2.7
In earlier versions of WordPress, the ability to reverse the comment order was not available and therefore I created this Plugin, but now the ability to reverse comments has been integrated into WordPress core (version 2.7 and up) itself and therefore removing the need for this Plugin.
In WordPress 2.7 and above, you can reverse the order of comments by enabling it in the discussions tab under settings menu.

Like my No Happy Browse Plugin, this Plugin will also reside in my Plugin’s section and also in the official WordPress Plugin repository and will be available for users who are still struck with earlier version of WordPress.
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged Plugin, Retiring, Reverse Comments, WordPress
Jul 13, 2009
In Plugin Releases
I have decided to retire my No Browse Happy Plugin. It is no longer needed on WordPress version greater than 2.5
In earlier version of WordPress (2.5 and earlier), it used to display the Browse Happy logo in the footer of admin pages, if you login using IE. There were lot of discussion about it in the wp-hackers list and I created the Plugin in an effort to stop the argument.
But now (in WordPress versions greater than 2.5), the logo is no longer displayed and therefore the Plugin is not needed.
The Plugin will however reside in my Plugin’s section and also in the official Plugin repository for users who are still struck in WordPress 2.5 or less. (But I highly recommend that you upgrade to the latest version)
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged Browse Happy, Plugin, Retiring, WordPress
Jul 13, 2009
In Plugin Releases
One of the most requested features of my Bulk Delete Plugin is the ability to select posts based on date. For example, posts which are more than 30 days old or posts which were posted within the last 10 days etc.
I have added this feature to Bulk Delete and as of version 0.4 you can also restrict posts by date. You can download the latest version of the Plugin from my Plugin’s page.

To restrict posts which were posted within the last xx days, select “posted within last” from drop down and enter number of the days. Similarly to select posts which are older than xx days, select “older than” from drop down and enter the number of days.
Try it out and let me know how it works. Also let me know if you have any feedback regarding this feature or about the Plugin.
I am also planning to add this feature to my Bulk Move WordPress Plugin. So stay tuned. 🙂
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged Bulk Delete, Plugin, WordPress
Jul 13, 2009
In Plugin Releases
One of the recent trends in the blogsphere is to display the retweet or “tweet this” button on your pages together with the number of times they were retweeted. There are lots of ways and services to do it and each of them have their own pros and cons.
Recently John Resig released a pure JavaScript solution for adding retweet buttons to your pages. It uses JavaScript API, has no dependencies and is totally unobtrusive.
Like my previous Geo Mark WordPress Plugin, I converted his excellent JavaScript solution into a WordPress Plugin called Easy Retweet, so that it can be used in WordPress without making many changes to the theme.
Plugin Usage
You can download the Plugin from the Plugin’s home page. There are two ways you can add the retweet button, the automatic way and the manual way.
Automatic way
Install the Plugin and choose the type and position of the button from the Plugin’s settings page.

Manual way
If you want more control over the way the button should be positioned, then you can manually call the button using the following code.
if (function_exists('easy_retweet_button')) {
echo easy_retweet_button();
Try out the Plugin and let me know your thoughts. The Plugin is still in the early stages of development and I will add more features based on the feedback.
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged, Easy Retweet, John Resig, Plugin, WordPress
Jul 7, 2009
In Plugin Releases
Chris Heilmann recently released a greasemonkey script to Geo locate WordPress posts. The script uses the recently released Yahoo Placemaker API together with YQL. I was really impressed by the simplicity and power of YQL. I enhanced the script and ported it into a WordPress Plugin named Geo Mark, which can be used in any browser.
Geo Mark WordPress Plugin
Geo Mark will automatically locate Geo information in your WordPress posts using Yahoo Placemaker and YQL API’s. Once the Geo location is located, it will add this information as custom fields to the post. The information stored in the custom field can be displayed anywhere in the post using the build in get_post_meta()
function. The Plugin also exposes template functions which can be used to generate GEO Microformats based on the location information found in the post.
Geo enabled RSS feeds
The Geo Mark Plugin also lets you to expose the location based information in RSS feeds. The Geo information stored in the custom field can be used to create Geo tags in the RSS feed. The Plugin supports the following Geo RSS formats as shown in the screenshot.
- Simple (georss:point)
- GML (gml:pos)
- W3C (geo:lat)

Why Geo marking posts is important
Adding Geo information to posts has lot of benefits. It enables data mining for location and also enables you to display information about the post on a map.
If you are still not convinced then checkout the posts by Chris.
PS: By the way, as recommended by Ozh I am going to submit this Plugin for the WordPress Plugin Competition. You can vote for this Plugin at the WordPress Plugin Competition blog.
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged Geo, Geo Mark, Microformat, Plugin, WordPress, YQL
May 29, 2009
In Plugin Releases
I have updated my Post to FriendFeed WordPress Plugin to add support for rooms. Now you can choose, in which room the post should be posted.
Here is the screenshot of the new feature.

Please note that this Plugin now requires my FriendFeed API Core Plugin to be installed to work. You can download my FriendFeed API Core Plugin from my Plugins page.
If you have any comments or if you want to report any bugs, please leave a comment below or contact me.
Thanks to the Rob, Ken and to all others who commented in this FriendFeed discussion. It’s only your comments which made me to dust off the code and update it. 🙂
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged FriendFeed, Plugin, Post To FriendFeed, WordPress
May 28, 2009
In Plugin Releases
I am working on some new features for my Post to FriendFeed WordPress Plugin, and it required some additional methods to the FriendFeed API wrapper. I have added these methods to the FriendFeed API wrapper and have released it as a separate Plugin like Open Flash Chart Core Plugin.
Additional Methods
The following are the additional methods that I have added to the FriendFeed API wrapper library.
This method accepts users nickname as input and returns the list of all of the user’s subscriptions (people) and services connected to their account (Authentication required for private users)
This method accepts users nickname as input and returns the list of all of the rooms to which the user can post (Authentication required for private users)
You can download the Plugin file from my Plugin page and then upload it to your wp-contents directory.
If you are a WordPress Plugin developer, then you can check my FriendFeed API Core Plugin to find out how to integrate FriendFeed API with you own WordPress Plugins.
PS: Incidentally this is my first blog post from Windows Live Editor.
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged API's/Webservices, FriendFeed, FriendFeed API Core, Plugin, WordPress
May 8, 2009
In Plugin Releases
I just found that the bug which was in my Bulk Delete WordPress Plugin that deleted drafts in a particular category when only posts were selected was also present in my Bulk Move WordPress Plugin.
I have updated the Plugin with the fix for the bug and you can download it from the Plugin home page. I have also uploaded the Plugin to the official directory to make your update process painless.
If you want to only move posts from a category to another and not the drafts, then you need to update to the latest version.
Let me know if you find any issues with the Plugin.
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged Bulk Move, Plugin, WordPress
Apr 14, 2009
In Plugin Releases
I have fixed a bug in my Bulk Delete WordPress Plugin, which deleted drafts in a particular category even if only posts were selected. Thanks to one review for reporting it.
If you want to only delete posts in a category and not drafts, then you need to update to the latest version.
You can download the latest version from the Plugins home page. I have also uploaded the Plugin to the official directory to make your update process painless.
I am working on other features for the Plugin like deleting posts waiting for pending reviews etc. So stay tuned 🙂
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged Bulk Delete, Plugin, WordPress
Feb 7, 2009
In Plugin Releases
After I released my Bulk Delete WordPress Plugin (which can be used to delete posts in bulk) some of the readers of this blog asked me if there is a Plugin to move posts from one category to another in bulk rather than deleting them.
So I have created another Plugin called Bulk Move, which you can use to move posts from one category to another in bulk.
The following is the screenshot of the admin interface

You can download the Plugin for my WordPress Plugin page.
Similar to the Bulk Delete Plugin, there is no way to undo the changes done once the categories are moved. So be very careful while using this Plugin and also note that you cannot hold me responsible for any damages done.
Posted in Plugin Releases
Tagged Bulk Move, Plugin, WordPress
Retiring my Simple Reverse Comments Plugin
Published Jul 17, 2009 | In Plugin Releases
I have decided to retire my Simple Reverse Comments Plugin. It is no longer needed on WordPress version greater than 2.7
In earlier versions of WordPress, the ability to reverse the comment order was not available and therefore I created this Plugin, but now the ability to reverse comments has been integrated into WordPress core (version 2.7 and up) itself and therefore removing the need for this Plugin.
In WordPress 2.7 and above, you can reverse the order of comments by enabling it in the discussions tab under settings menu.
Like my No Happy Browse Plugin, this Plugin will also reside in my Plugin’s section and also in the official WordPress Plugin repository and will be available for users who are still struck with earlier version of WordPress.
Posted in Plugin Releases | Tagged Plugin, Retiring, Reverse Comments, WordPress | Leave a comment