Over the past week, I have updated 4 of my WordPress Plugins and thought of consolidating all of them in a single post instead of creating multiple posts.
Posts By Tag
Posts by Tag WordPress Plugin, provides sidebar widgets which can be used to display posts from a specific set of tags in the sidebar.
I updated this Plugin to v1.7. It fixed a bug so it’s a mandatory update.
The following are the main changes
- Added support for displaying post dates
- Fixed a bug which was corrupting the loop.
Twitter Avatar Reloaded
Twitter avatar reloaded Plugin adds a new field to the comment form to get the user’s Twitter username and stores it together with comments and using it replaces gravatar with twitter avatar when the comment is displayed.
I updated this Plugin to v0.7. It is a mandatory update.
The following are the main changes
- Added 4 template functions to display the comment authors Twitter id and profile url.
Bulk Delete
Bulk Delete is a WordPress Plugin which can be used to delete posts in bulk from selected categories or tags. This Plugin can also delete all drafts, post revisions or pages.
I updated this Plugin to v1.3. It is an optional update
The following are the main changes
- Added German translations
Easy Retweet
Easy ReTweet is a WordPress Plugin, which lets you add retweet or Tweet this buttons for your WordPress posts, together with the retweet count.
I updated this Plugin to v2.4. It is an optional update
The following are the main changes
- Added German translations
Stay updated
I would be posting updates about this Plugin in my blog and in Twitter. If you want to be informed when new version of this Plugin is released, then you can either subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed or follow me in Twitter.