Every now and then I used get a call from a new number in my mobile. When I pick it up the person on the other side of the line, usually greet me with my name and ask me whether I am interested in getting a credit card or personal loan. Only then I can realize that it is a telemarketing call from a bank. I usually say no and the person at the other end ends the call. But some guys get really creative and will start the conversation by saying that I have been chosen by there XXXX bank from a lucky draw (which I know about only now) and have been awarded a free credit card or a new account. Sometimes they even know my personal information like my full name, where I work, my full address, my mobile number, sometimes even my official desk number, my salary and sometimes even my age.
I usually stop them by saying that I am a student and don’t have a monthly salary and they will promptly say that the offer is only for a person who works and earns a decent salary. This can be an amusement if I am in a good mood or free at that time but can get really irritating if I am in a meeting with my clients or was in a very bad mood.
I do know that as per RBI regulation, every bank should have a mandatory ‘Do Not Disturb Me‘ page on their website. But I was too lazy to go to every bank’s site and find the page. But just now I found that Vadivel has done it and here are the links for the top banks. Thanks a ton Vadivel. At least now these banks will leave me alone.
- ICICI Bank – http://www.inuonline.com/dnc/donotcall.asp
- Citibank – http://www.online.citibank.co.in/portal/cbol/CLS02L06.htm
- Deutsche bank – http://www.deutschebank.co.in/1078.html
- Standard Chartered Bank – https://play.standardchartered.com/smail/in/IN15/index.html
- HDFC Bank – https://www.hdfcbank.com/applications/misc/dnc/dnc.htm
- ABN Amro Bank – http://mail.abnamrobank.co.in/do_not_call_service_contact_from_home_1.asp
Update (26-Feb-2007): Few more
- Airtel – http://www.airtel.in/dont.htm
- Hutch –http://hutch.in/bottom/dnd.asp
Most welcome dude
Phone Spam anyone?:D
Citibank is getting worser and nightmarish bank in Telemarketing spree. Check out the following:
I thing that those SPAM things aren’t good for the company, people start hating the company… But still it’s publicity, so companies only like it…
thanks for he list, i got this on the right time.
hahaha…banks are getting worst because of their market strategy. But i guess telemarketers just doing there job. Thanks for sharing this.
These days customers are aware of every thing. Now marketing calls can be made only from special numbers. Series of these special numbers start from 140 and you can recognize them easily. Main thing is that if you have a DND (Do Not Disturb) service activated on your phone, you will never receive a call from such type of marketing numbers.
Some time these tele-callers make call at very wrong time. Once i got a call from telemarketing firm. My phone was on table and suddenly i lost grip on my phone while i was picking it up in my hands. its screen broke but it was still ringing and working. when i answered the call it was from a broadband internet consultancy for promotion of their products. I got too angry but what could i do..
Nice sharing point for common man. I read public views here and these are interesting + informative.