My crush for Google Wave didn’t stop by watching the Google Wave keynote video alone. I watched other videos related to Google wave and thought of indexing them here, so that it may be of help to others like me 🙂
First is the granddaddy of all, the Google I/O keynote video
Technical Details about Google Wave
Programming With and For Google Wave. Google I/O video, which explain how to use Google Wave with demos, samples and code
Google Wave team talks about their experience in building Google Wave entirely using Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
Google engineer David Wang explains how collaborative editing through concurrency control and operational transform work in Google Wave.
Google Engineer Casey Whitelaw describes the natural language processing behind Google Wave’s spelling correction on the deck of the Sydney office.
Google co-founder Sergey Brin about Google Wave
Google Wave founding Team Interview by TechCrunch
Vic Gundotra, VP Engineering of Google talks about Google Wave
Interview of Stephanie Hannon, Program Manager for Wave
And at last, a video about how the Google wave team got played off by keyboard cat 😉