Tag Archives: BuddyPress

WordPress MU merge has begun

Sometime back, I wrote about Matt’s announcement of merging WordPress and WordPress MU codebase together.

Now the wait is over, the actual merge process has started and this is going to be really exciting. πŸ™‚

This will also mean that we will be able to run BuddyPress on single user WordPress installations, which is kind of cool. Eagerly waiting for WordPress 3.0 πŸ™‚

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WordPress MU and BuddyPress Plugin competition – 2009

Similar to the WordPress Plugin competition conducted by Weblogs Tools Collection, WPMU is coding a WordPress Plugin competition for WordPress MU and BuddyPress.

All you need to do is to create a (awesome) WordPress MU or BuddyPress Plugin and then release it. πŸ™‚


The competition is open till Friday October 16th.


There are some cool prices and the first prize winner will be get a cash award of $1000.


The rules are similar the WordPress Plugin competition and the main thing to remember is that your Plugin should be in GPL or GPL-compatible licence.

So it’s time to start another WordPress project. πŸ˜‰

BTW guys, I am looking for ideas. So if you wanted a Plugin for WordPress MU or BuddyPress, then let me know and I might be able to create it for you. πŸ™‚

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WordPress and WordPress MU are going to be merged

Yes, you have read the title correctly, the codebase of both WordPress (single user installation) and WordPress MU (multi-user installation) are going to be merged into a single codebase.

Matt, the founder and lead developer of WordPress has announced this news during his State of the Word speech at WordCamp San Francisco.

It is not clear when this merging will be done, but my guess is that they will be merged in WordPress 3.0. Once the integration is done, we can have BuddyPress for single user installs also.

This is great news both for the developers and end users and I am very excited about it. πŸ™‚

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BuddyPress for Single user WordPress installs – Confirmed

Well, the rumours are confirmed now. BuddyPress is going to be available for single user WordPress installs, later this year. The news has been confirmed by Andy Peatling, the lead developer behind BuddyPress, whom Automattic (the parent company behind WordPress) recruited to build BuddyPress.

So here is the tweet by Andy Peatling confirming the news

This tweet was in reply to the following tweet

It’s really very good news that BuddyPress is going to be available for single user WordPress installs, because when compared with WordPress MU, single-use WP is easy to install and maintain. Also this will surely increase the adoption rate of BuddyPress.

Also BuddyPress is getting stable and the 1.0 version might be released on Feb 12th 2009.

Meanwhile, if you are wondering what the heck is BuddyPress, then let me explain. It is a set of WordPress MU Plugins which will convert a plain WordPress MU install into a social network platform. You can get more information about BuddyPress at it’s about page.

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