Embedding Flickr Photos in WordPress

I found some great photos on Flickr which were taken during pipesCamp, which I attended last week. I tried to embed them in this blog, but couldn’t figure out how to do it. I have to admit that I am not a Flickr power user. I have been trying for almost an hour now and so I thought of seeking the help of my readers.

Can anyone please let me know how to get the HTML code from Flickr to embed individual photos in other websites? I don’t want to hotlink directly to the picture but want to get the HTML code like youtube. I know picasa provides this option. I could even get hold of a screenshot of the HTML embed code in Flickr, but the author is discussing about a different issue.

So any Flickr power user out there who can help me?

Meanwhile you can check out the pipesCamp photos directly from Flickr.

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