Publishing year end stats seems to be the new fashion and so here are the year end stats for my blog.
- Total number of posts in 2007: 38 Posts
- Total number of comments in 2007: 220 comments
- Average length of posts in 2007: 3048.03 Letters
- Total length of all posts in 2007: 115825 Letters
By the way this is very low when compared to my previous year (2006) stats
- Total number of posts in 2006: 64 Posts
- Total number of comments in 2006: 394 Comments
- Average length of posts in 2006: 1813.16 Letters
- Total length of all posts in 2006: 116042 Letters
I guess it is right time that I start writing more on my blog. So here goes my first resolution for the year 2008, write more in my blog.
I have also created a WordPress Plugin called WP Year End stats which you can use to get stats for your blog.
Wish you all a happy new year
Leaves me bangin my head: I couldn’t do year-end stats this year :(( I’ll have my revenge by April with my new computer
P.S. Try automating Office ’07 Charting components. I still find that they produce better graphs than Google charts. Atleast, in a very very small rookie test I did.
I am waiting for your stats. By the way you can also use my Plugin