Webbynode – A new VPS hosting service in beta

Webbynode is a new Xen based VPS hosting service, which targets developers who want to have control over every aspect of their server. This means you can have a single server where you can run your Ruby on Rails application in parallel with a Django application.

The service is currently in beta and you can register your email address in their registration page to get an invite. The advantage of testing the service during the beta period is that you can use the service free right now and once the service is out of beta, you will get discount over the regular price and if you are lucky you can even get lifetime memberships. 🙂

I am still waiting for an invite and once I get to try this service, I will write a detailed review comparing its feature with slicehost, which is my current hosting service.

More details about Webbynode can be found below.

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  • I’m more often than not surfing across the internet most of the time thus I have a tendency to read an awful lot, which unfortunately isn’t typically a beneficial option as most of the web sites I view are constructed of unproductive trash copied from various other sites a million times. Nevertheless with that said, I have to give you credit this post about Xen based VPS hosting service is really quite informative and even seems to have some genuine information about Xen based VPS hosting service! So cheers for breaking the trends of merely replicating other folks’ blogs and forums, if you ever want to take up a few hands of facebook poker together just gimme a shout – you have my email address.

  • Nice article, so what are your thoughts on WebbyNode? I’m wondering if it has cpanel hosting or at least comparable to it; because as we know creating website backup is easy on cpanel hosted website

  • Nice article, so what are your thoughts on WebbyNode? I’m wondering if it has cpanel hosting or at least comparable to it; because as we know creating website backup is easy on a cpanel hosted website

  • Chris Bao says:

    VPS hosting helps the user to have a control over every aspects of the server.There are many companies providing VPS hosting services today.

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