I have been dropping hints about a secret project which I have been working on for quite some time and now it’s time to reveal it.
The secret project was RoloPress, a WordPress based, open source contact manager, which I was developing with my friend Steve Bruner. The main distinction of RoloPress is that it is an application build on top of WordPress and is not a separate application with is tied up with WordPress.
Some of the notable features of RoloPress for end users are:
- All admin tasks can be performed from front-end itself. You don’t need to visit the admin area.
- Ability to add/edit contacts
- Ability to add/edit companies
- Ability to add/edit notes about contacts or companies
- Has lot of ready-made widgets (around 8 in the first release)
Developer features
RoloPress follows WordPress Plugin architecture and provides lot of features for developers to play around.
- Highly extendable API
- Lot of custom hooks and filters
- Look and feel can be easily modified by creating child themes
- Most of the existing WordPress Plugins will work out of the box
- Easy to extend (If you know how to write a WordPress Plugin then you can easily write Plugins for RoloPress)
The initial plan was to show the preview in WordCamp NYC (Now you know why I was interested in WordCamp NYC ) and release it on 16-Nov-2009. But during the preview session, Matt (founder of WordPress) gave some interesting feedback and we are working on them now. Unfortunately these changes are not backward compatible and so we have held back the release till those changed are incorporated. So you have to wait for sometime
For those who can’t wait, here is a presentation about RoloPress which was used in the preview session in WordCamp NYC.
How about some form of a mailing list for this? I am very interested.
Nevermind, found it.
You can subscribe to the mailing list found in the bottom left side at the RoloPress homepage.
Hi Sudar, I found you because I am looking for information on custom taxonomies for my next project. I read that you applied it in the project rolopress. My question is Do you know how can i insert a custom taxanomy from an external form? like wp_insert_post for posts or add_post_meta for custom fields. thanks
I use it in RoloPress.
You have to use some thing like wp_set_post_terms($post_id, ‘Contact’, ‘type’); It is similar to adding custom fields.
Thanks so much for the tip!!
Congratulations for RoloPress. Are creating the next generation of themes in WordPress. I learning a lot with the code.
I’m doing a theme classifieds with wordpress and i’ll use custom taxonomies for the country, states, cities and type of ads.
greetz from Argentina.
Nice to know that my tip was of helpful to you.
All the best for your WordPress theme and do let me know when you release it.
Hi again Sudar, Do you know if it’s possible to construct the URL with custom taxonomy and a category. Like this: http://www.site.com/custom-taxonomy/category
Being Custom Taxonomy = City of Miami and Category = cars i would like to construct the URL http://www.site.com/city/miami/cars
it’s possible in wordpress?
I was looking and found nothing of the sort.