At last, I have finished shifting my blog from Blogger to my own domain which is running wordPress. It has been in my to-do list for quite a few months, may be from the day Fred shifted his blog to his own domain
You can find the new blog at and if you have subscribed to the RSS feed the feed url ( remains the same.
Shifting all the posts with comments from Blogger has been a little pain since Blogger doesn’t provide a direct export option. But thanks to the import script written by Andy Skelton and the explanation given by catsutorials. It really saved a lot of time for me. If I find time I will write a small explanation with screenshots to help people who want to use this script.
WordPress has been really excellent so far and has satisfied all my requirements. You get tons of themes and plug-ins. And the credit goes to the community. Right now I am playing with lot of themes and may be even this theme may change in a few days.
So guys welcome to the new version of my blog and do let me know your comments and suggestions
Hello Sudar!
Wow, great! I really like it, in fact… I’m jaleous I think
I like that team ehehhe it’s clean and beautiful.
Keep up the great work Sudar!
Hi Fred
Thanks for the good words.
I also have hosting plan. But I use emacs + planner as my blogging system. Recently I thought of moving to WordPress. I googled on the internet to find out about setting up WordPress on I couldn’t find much help. Can you please let me know how did you set this up?
Hi Noorul,
I have shifted from a few months back.
Setting up WordPress is very easy. You have to download it from and follow the steps specified in this guide
All the best and let me know if you find any difficulties.