Developing Android applications in Java – Overview – My Notes

As I told before, I attended the free webinar by CreativeTech on Developing Android Applications with Java yesterday.

My friend Jaskirat, asked me write about the session since he missed some parts of it as he slept during the session. 🙂 Okay it was not because the session was boring, but due to the fact that 11 AM PST is midnight of us guys in India. I happily obliged and here are my notes from the session.


The training started off with a brief introduction about the format of the session, about CreativeTech trainings, partnership with O’Reilly, brief profile of the author etc. They also explained how to use the GoTo Webinar console, ask questions etc.

Then there was a brief introduction about the android platform, its stack and how various components fit it. He also explained the various verbs like activity, intent etc. You can read about them in the Application fundamentals section of the android documentation.

Choosing the SDK version

Next there was a brief explanation about the SDK and the difference between android SDK and Google API’s and also about the various versions of SDK. This led to a brief Q&A session where people asked which version to SDK to target. The instructor then recommended targeting for SDK version 1.5. He said that version 1.5 strikes a balance between market reach and available features.

You can checkout the different versions of SDK and their market share in the android developer page.

Installing necessary software

After the Q&A, the instructor showed how to install the necessary software to follow the code samples.

You need to install the following

  • Eclipse
  • Android SDK
  • ADT Eclipse Plugin

You can follow the instructions in the android documentation page to install the above softwares.

After installing the necessary software, you should also create an Android Virtual Device (AVD), which will allow you to run the application in the Android Emulator.

Demo Application

The goal of the session was to introduce the android platform and to write a demo flashlight app.

The app will have two views (red and green, see screenshot), which can be toggled by clicking a button. The following are the screenshots of the application.

red-view green-view

Implementing the demo application

This was the meat of the presentation (but was pretty short due to time constraints), where he explained how to start writing code, to implement the demo application.

You can follow the steps in the “Hello World” tutorial of the android documentation to setup the project.

Source code

I have uploaded source code for yesterday’s session in github and you can download it from there.

The first session was really very good and I will be attending the remaining 5 sessions too and if possible will write blog posts with the notes that I take. Meanwhile if you are interested in developing android applications, then you should really watch this tutorial.

Update: I have added additional information about the android project structure in a subsequent post.

Update 2: I have also completed the homework for this session and have posted my source code and explanation.

Update 3: You can also view my notes for the next session.

You can also subscribe to my blog’s RSS feed or follow me in Twitter to receive updates about my notes for the next sessions.

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  • Jaskirat says:

    Nice post here, I should say that I was awake until the point the presenter (mike?) opened eclipse and started a new project! I remember the part where he demoed the flash light app before jumping to code and then I have no idea when fell asleep. Was woken up at 3ish by roommate to remove earphones and shut down the laptop… 😀 hehe

    Thanks for going out of your way to help me. Will download the android SDK and setup eclipse plugin etc. by weekend.

  • Tim says:

    Hey Sudar, Great post – thanks for sharing! The class starts at 6am for us here in Sydney, Australia so your notes are very handy. Cheers, Tim

    • Sudar says:

      Nice to know that you liked my notes. Actually for us in India, the class starts at 12:30 in the night and ends at around 2:30 am. 🙂 But it was too good to miss 🙂

  • kenny says:

    i couldn’t attend the webinar because i had to drive my mother in law to the airport. glad i can catch up with your notes. many thanks!

  • Rob says:

    Hi Sudar,

    very useful, will you be posting about week 2?

  • saurav says:

    how can read and write notes in my android application. if source code is avialable plz send me on my mail.

  • beginer says:

    nice one man sudar

  • abc says:

    please hellp me to write source code for notes manager,search manager,bookmark manager,hyperlink manager in android its very urgent…

  • android apps says:

    thanks admin for sharing up such an excellent tutorial about developing of android applications. it is really great and helpful. keep up it.

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