I used to read code from popular open source projects to see how others implement certain functionalities and also to learn from them. (I am a firm believer of the fact that you have to read good code to write good code)
Recently I have been following up a couple of good open source Android apps and thought of listing them here so that it could be useful for others.
Update: I have updated this list with a new set of apps, which have come out recently. Check out them as well.
Sample Apps by Android Team
Could there be a better way to start without looking at the code of the developers who developed the framework? These are 15 different android sample apps created by the core developers of the Android framework. These include a couple of games, photostream, time display, home screen shortcuts etc.
url : http://code.google.com/p/apps-for-android/
Remote Droid
RemoteDroid is an android app which turns your phone into a wireless keyboard and mouse with touchpad, using your own wireless network. You can learn lot of things like connecting to a network, controlling user finger movement etc from its source.
url: http://code.google.com/p/remotedroid/
TorProxy and Shadow
TorProxy is an implementation of Tor for Android mobiles. Together with Shadow, it allows you to browse website anonymously from your mobile phone. You can learn about tunnelling socket connections, managing cookies etc by reading its source code.
url: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/code/svn/android-tor/ and http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/android/tor/
Android SMSPopup
It is an Android app that intercepts incoming text messages and displays them in a popup window. Apart from being a time saver, this app also shows us how to interface with the built-in app that manages SMS.
url: http://code.google.com/p/android-smspopup/
Standup Timer
Standup Timer is an Android application that acts as a simple, stand-up meeting stop watch. It can be used to ensure your stand-up meeting finishes on time, and gives all the participants an equal share of time to state their progress. You can learn how to use the timer functionality by reading the source code. Also this apps has clear distinction between view, model etc and has lot of util methods which we can reuse in our app.
url: http://github.com/jwood/standup-timer
It is a four square client for android. This app is basically divided into two components; Reading the source code you can find out how to make
url: http://code.google.com/p/foursquared/
The pedometer app tries to take the number of steps you take every day. Even though the count is not accurate, you can learn different things like interacting with accelerometer, doing voice updates, running background services etc by reading its source code.
url: http://code.google.com/p/pedometer/
OpenSudoku is a simple open source sudoku game. You can learn how to display things in a grid in your view and also how to interact with a website by reading its source code.
url: http://code.google.com/p/opensudoku-android/
ConnectBot is a Secure Shell client for the Android platform. There are lot of good things about this app’s source code. Check it out for yourself
WordPress for Android
How can you expect a list of apps from me without mentioning WordPress This android app is from the official WordPress development team. You can learn how to make XMLRPC calls (in addition to other cool things) by reading its source code.
url: http://android.svn.wordpress.org/trunk/
If you got any good open source android apps from which we can learn something, then do leave a comment and I will add them up here, till then happy reading
Update: I have updated this list with a new set of apps, which have come out recently. Check out them as well.
great post! didn’t know what other open source android apps there were out there besides the ones on the android dev site.
Yeah, even I didn’t know about them. That’s why thought of list them here so that it would be helpful to others as well.
First of all thank you for writing such detailed blog post. I feel it is good one but the content seems outdated! not sure where exactly it was updated.
I also would like to recommend reading this detailed post featuring 5 FREE android app source code you must check. https://www.digifloor.com/free-android-app-source-code-websites-14
Note: I am not associated with this website. Just found it worth sharing here and did it. Please delete if you find it non relevant.
How do I download the source code?
Is there a zip file with all the source?
When I right click to save certain file, it is saved as .html instead.
I’m new to Android dev.
Click the link and go to the page first. From there you should be able to see a download link.
Let me know if you face any issues.
tell me how to download the source code of any apps in android?
when i am right clicking on any apps link it gets saved as .htm doc..
Click the link and go to the page first. From there you should be able to see a download link.
Let me know if you face any issues.
Subsonic is a great music streaming app in Android. Its open source as well.
It provides sources for both the server side code as well as the Android app used to talk to the server. Its really amazing app for streaming your audio.
Check out these links:
Sources: http://sourceforge.net/projects/subsonic/develop
About Subsonic: http://www.subsonic.org/
may i know where to get the whole zip folder (source code) for subsonic 2.1 android.
please provide the link.
thanks in advance
You can checkout using subversion:
svn co https://subsonic.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/subsonic subsonic
download android source code
Sri Lanka Train Schedule Open Source Android Application
I am a PHP and VB Application developer. From Today I started my Journey to Java Android and this is first tutorial i am going through…. very much helpful post for all new developer…. Thanks for this post..
Thanks for these awesome links
Try easy facebook android sdk , open source library http://www.easyfacebookandroidsdk.com
Hi! Can I have the source code to “Where’s my Droid” application?
very nice apps!!!
In my daily surf i have found this site http://www.androidopensourceapplications.com with many open source apps all with source code ( svn repository)
i want to develop an android apps as my final year project,but i cant decide on topic,i want to do something innovative,can anyone help me out pls .cas there are many apllication available for android platform.Can any one suggest me an innovative topic idea….
any suggestion will be openly accepted.If anybody is having any suggestion or he thinks certain apps should be there(developed)
then pls mail me ur idea at goops22@gmail.com
Hey Sudar,
I am bit confused about what project should I take up for my final year CS engg. I am planning to do something in Android.Need your help on how do I proceed?
The project could be
1. Hindi Language Translator
2. E-commerce
3. Travel Reservation
Eagerly awaiting a reply,
Someone Special
Really awesome post !! Love it
Thanks a ton !!!
This is my first step towards Android after years of experience developing custom applications with Microsoft technologies. Thanks everyone for making this space interesting , I would be expecting more posts from you guys.
I am learning android app development and this post is quite useful specially the app u mentioned .. thanx
Thanks for the open source apps. Its a great help to the beginers.
i want some project titles and that source code also,how it is download
been looking for some of these apps for along time.
Thanks a million
thaaaaanks alot realy but, please i want the source code for Photostream app ..i can’t download it as ZIP file could u help me ?!
I am a Android Application developer …
I will search to Contact list with SQLite Database sourcr code..
plz help me??
Hey Sundar
Openintents is another place where you can see good open source Android aps. You can also contribute to them as well.
Here is the source code of all their apps.
Their apks for downloads
You can browse Android SDK samples from your smartphone using “Code Search”:
hey guys how to i get the source code of these applications
This is the post which I was looking for such a long time ..
Thanks for posting!!
Hi All
I want an open source ANDROID DIALER p2p. i need android dialer in my project. please help me.
great share and its really good that build an application by own with out anybodies help too good keep on buddy
I need mobile source code of tracker in android..How can i get this?
You have done very good job by making open source code listing.This is really big help for beginners of source code developers.
Nice to know that you liked my listing. I am currently working on an additional listing as well. Stay tuned
i am planning to do offline mapping in android..how i get the source code for offline mapping..please help..
I agree with your blog.Android is the phone whose market is day after day increasing. People are using the phone with android OS because it is too cheaper and provide the great stability to user of this..Thanks
please share the open source code for a memo application on android
sudar sir
i need the source code of auto fare calculator…android application….
after dowloading that zip file where the actual code is i m new to android dev.
hello after downloading the zip where actual code is
Hi, im begginer on java , is any sample of android project to showing battery information on status bar ?
Can some one please send me a source code for “Petting cat” or similar app.
Thanks in advance
Excellent Tutorial…

I have a college project in Android, that to answer an incoming call, just close phone to your ear, that’s it.
To answer/end a call, don’t touch screen any more !
To answer a incoming call, just close the phone to your ear.
To end call during a call, just turn the phone over.
How can I do this…Please help me with source code of android…
Please reply me fast…
Thanks in advance…
Nice post and links too.
I am new andriod developer and was looking for sample codes. This is the great post summarizing different source codes available all around. Thanks for this post
add SherlockActionBar into list.
hi,i’m new for android
i need to know how to create excel sheet in android ,
hi please help me!! .. how can i get a “find my friends” application source code ?
will you please post some android rss feeds open source which has image,title and description.
im probably showing how lazy i am but i need source code for a sound board in Android. I have an Ojibway Language app for the iphone and wanted to convert it to Android….
any sound board apps that i can repurpose?
thx in advance.
Hello please, can anyone help me .
I need source code working 100% for Arabic OCR
I tried to use this link ,but unfortunately i failed
Pls I’m new in Android game dev. I need someone who will help me reskin Android apps.
Pls I need someone whocan help me reskin. Android apps. Pls drop me a mail at a l e x s o n 50 @ y a h o o. co. uk
please help me!! .. how can i get a “ShareFile” application source code ?
great app
Check out this link for an amazing open source android application
hiii Sudar this links are awesome…i m doing project Mobile attendance system in android..Do u have source for that..if u have than plz send me link or mail me at guptavikrant2508@gmail.com
i need a source code for wallpapers app
hii sundar sir
i m doing project on mobile based attendance system.plz provide the source code for it.
I saw your comment that you were making an app that makes attendance. I’m also doing project that makes attendance via bluetooth. If you can send me your app source code i’ll be really thankful. Kindly mail me source code at holyraw@gmail.com
Raheel Robson
Pls give me the fitness manager application code into android platform.
I want this application soure code and how to developed this application provide guidance.
Need source code of what’s app
Facebook paid $22 billion to Whatsapp to look into their source code
can you please help me i need A basic Source code to make Simple Android chat app where i can save the conversation in back end server.
hello everyone, am a new android developer, my task is developing school app, in that fields are About us, Contact us, Gallery, News, etc.
my problem is , whenever we click on the News , All school latest updated news window will be display, then,
How should they update news?
How should i get that page?
please send me the code about this,
because when i should not complete this task they must throw out side me. please friends ,help me,
I am so impressed by the commenters to all your articles. They say what I feel only better!
hello and thanks for the resources
how do i open “Remote Droid” in android studio ???
help plz
i need for how to create a our own account in gmail for androd source code with zip file. any body knows plz send to my emai id hgmamatha404@gmail.com
Great listing,Developing an android or ios application is not a back-breaking process,I got a completely developed application pleasing my requirements in four to five working days and was also provided with tutorials plus source code.
sir,i need any help in source code on project zym….please send source code on the email address
I can’t download the source code of ConnectBot.
Can I get a source code any antivirus android application!!
hi please share the tourism android app for famous places
It’s very useful article, we are impressed about that. And Thanks for sharing this post to all, What you mentioned in the article that was an excellent one. This site very helpful to all
I am new andriod developer and was looking for sample codes. This is the great post summarizing different source codes available all around. Thanks for this post
It is awesome blog.RemoteDroid is an android app which turns our phone into a wireless keyboard and mouse with touchpad, using our own wireless network.I need this information.
Thanks for sharing..
quite interesting!
but on what software i should run this??
what is the compiler to be used??
plz do give us some guidance.
thanking you!
Thanks for sharing this post. Really helpful.
Good job by the writer .I am looking for basic apps sites that will help me to tell my friends for learning and now with friends i will also recommend this to my WPT students that are at present doing 45 days android development training from Mohali. Thank you
Great Post.!! thanks for sharing..
Hello everyone Kindly I need a source code of uber like app if you’ve kind send me through bobmaiyo@gmail.com will be happy good day everyone and looking forward to hear from you.
i see that this article is very usefull, especially for me to build and apps with no hastle to write more code.. just download the source code and get the apps running on . thanks
Great job
i want to know how to interface a app with normal message app ,so that when internet connection is not available the content to be sent can be sent through normal message..please help me with your knowledge with this.
I am a Java developer and now I started my Journey to Android and this tutorial I am going through is very much helpful for all new Android developers. Thanks for sharing
As an open source project, Android’s goal is to avoid any central point of failure in which one industry player can restrict or control the innovations of any other player.
Thankx for shairing this blog..Can someone give me an innovative idea for my android mobile app project.???
Thanks for sharing this information
Thanks for giving the list of these open source android apps. Really helpful article
thanks for sharing your info this is really helpful for me
thanks for sharing this is really helpful for me amd my upcomingn project hope you add some more stuff like this in future also
this is really helpful for me and also for my upcoming project so i hope you add some more in future also.
Amazing information,thank you for your ideas.after along time i have studied an interesting information’s.
Great article. With the guidelines mentioned in the article, I was able to curate the perfect name for my app.
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Thanks for giving the list of these open source android apps. Really helpful article for Android App Developers.
You are providing a post that is very useful for developing my knowledge and I learn more info from your blog. Helpful for beginners who looking for an Android App Development career.
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Hi ! help pleaaaase !
how can i get the source code of the application ‘analyze my calls’ ??
im using eclipse indigo, i need a sudoku source code….so could u plz send me….