Here is another use of your ipod (or any other mp3 player for that matter). You can refer you iPod for first aid tips incase of a mishap.
St. John ambulance service has some handy first aid advice which you can download to your iPod. This could be useful in an emergency, but its best if you give it a listen before you need it. They also have written First aid advice. All the audio files are available in 3 different file formats (mp3, AAC, Real) and can be downloaded from their online advice page.
If you are lazy to download these files manually, then you can also download them automatically using their podcast feed. All you have to do is just to subscribe to their podcast feed using iTunes (or using your favorite podcast reader).
Sussex ambulance service is also hosting some first aid advice files in their community page.
Hope you never get to use these advice but anyways do listen to them atleast once because just in case…
This article is part of an ongoing series of posts under the title ‘iPod Tips and Tricks‘. Here is the list of article in the series
- Uploading Videos into iPod
- First aid advice on your iPod
- Copy files from iPod to any computer without iTunes