Github Ribbon WordPress Plugin

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  • Hi,

    Basically this could be a great plugin for WordPress but for some reason the white (left/right) and grey (left/right) options kill the whole site when it’s used. Might worth a check.

    FYI I am using the Social Media Widget as well and the last file the site calls before it stops working is the all.js ( for the facebook like button.

    Check out the site(, I hope I could help in your development somehow 🙂

    Keep up with the good work and thanks.


    • Sudar says:

      Can you tell me exactly how it is breaking the site? Are you getting some JavaScript errors or the page completely stops loading?

      • Hi Sudar,

        I haven’t got any js errors or 404. The site simply stops loading after the header is loaded. I am using the Twenty-Ten theme. When this issue happens, I can’t see anything but the header of the site.

        I hope it helps,

  • Alan says:

    I sat down to write one of these but decided to google it first… thanks for saving me a few hours of WordPress hacking! Now I can go back to recompiling Android kernels. 🙂

  • Brandon says:

    Do you know if this plugin still works with the current version? I have it set up with the global display hidden and a specific page overriding it but I can not get the page to display anything. There are no errors or warnings and nothing shows up in the page html even hinting that its being loaded. Thanks!

    • Sudar says:


      It is compatible with the latest version of WordPress. Not sure why it is not working for you. Did you check your error log?

  • Hello, great plugin thank you. For some reason it works ok on WP Posts but it won’t show up on Pages. I have exactly one page set up like the two articles where it is working, but it keeps *not* showing the ribbon. Any idea on what might be going on? – Thanks.

  • MKzero says:

    The idea is cool, but it doesn’t work on my page, as you inject the HTML into posts and that really doesn’t go good together with my template so you should really bring it to some top level in the DOM.

    Also the CSS3 ribbons won’t work. They just display as a flat bar.

  • I’ve done a German translation for Github Ribbons. Please find the POMO files on

    If you happen to release a new version it’d be nice to have “Image ribbons”, “CSS3 ribbons”, “Show”, and “Hide” as additional localisable strings.

  • Natyvw says:

    How to insert this inner featured image?

  • Nicolaicola says:

    The ribbon shows up fine on articles but not on pages (see where I have overridden the standard ‘hide’ option but the ribbon doesn’t show up).

  • Excellent plugin, does exactly as advertised. One feature I would like to see is to have an option to open in a new window (I don’t want users leaving the website).

  • Eric Uldall says:

    Still needs some work. I like the simplicity of the idea though.

    Issues I found:

    The z-index of the ribbon needs to be set higher so other elements don’t cover it up. I’m guessing you developed it on an out of the box wordpress install and didn’t think about people using custom themes, especially themes with fixed navbars at the top.

    If someone is using a fixed navbar you should allow an option to set a top margin so the ribbon shows just below the nav.

    In the case of the css3 style you should get rid of the outer div, because it blocks being able to click content behind the empty area. If you just use the anchor tag alone you could easily achieve the same result and allow all blank areas to be free for click throughs.

    The background color on the css3 ribbon didn’t show up for me.

    It would also be nice to get an option for bottom corner placement too.

    Good concept, just gotta push it that last mile.

  • Univer says:

    Nice one, while unfortunately not compatible when I have a menu on the top. This can probably be solved after fixing the z-index.

    And I was trying to use this in a child page instead of the home page, not sure if this is supported. Anyway I have did it using HTML, but you can try adding support on single page? I have no experience on wp plugins so ignore me if this is something unimplementable.


    • Sudar says:

      Yes, you need to change the z-index.

      It is possible to invoke the ribbon only on certain post single pages. All you need to do is to disable the global ribbon and enable it only in individual pages.

      Try it out and let me know if it works or not.

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