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hi. Thanks for plugin
I press “get stats” but nothing shows, I tried “download image” but it delivers and empty tab??
@Edward, This Plugin requires Flash. Do you have Flash installed? And also which browser are you using?
Hi Sudar, yes, I have Flash installed, I use Firefox 3.0.5. I have installed the /open-flash-charts-core dir and the /wp-yearendstats dir.
I can see all the examples on the openflash Gallery (interesting whenever I have time I will do more with it).
same here – it all is installed ok, but i get blank images where there should be some.
i do have flash, v10:
WIN 10,0,12,36
Hi Ben,
Can you let me know which version of WordPress you are using?
Hey wait… you want me to put /wp-content/plugins/wp-yearendstats/open-flash-chart-2/ so not /wp-content/plugins/open-flash-chart-2 … got it, works now!
Hi Edward,
Nice to know that you got it to work.
Nice plugin. Thanks for this.
thanks for plugin
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hi. Thanks for plugin
I press “get stats” but nothing shows, I tried “download image” but it delivers and empty tab??
@Edward, This Plugin requires Flash. Do you have Flash installed? And also which browser are you using?
Hi Sudar, yes, I have Flash installed, I use Firefox 3.0.5. I have installed the /open-flash-charts-core dir and the /wp-yearendstats dir.
I can see all the examples on the openflash Gallery (interesting whenever I have time I will do more with it).
same here – it all is installed ok, but i get blank images where there should be some.
i do have flash, v10:
WIN 10,0,12,36
Hi Ben,
Can you let me know which version of WordPress you are using?
Hey wait… you want me to put /wp-content/plugins/wp-yearendstats/open-flash-chart-2/ so not /wp-content/plugins/open-flash-chart-2 … got it, works now!
Hi Edward,
Nice to know that you got it to work.
Nice plugin. Thanks for this.
thanks for plugin