Geo Mark WordPress Plugin

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  • Anonymous says:

    Great article, adding it to my bookmarks!

  • sunshine says:

    Awesome job !!! keep it up.

  • Peter says:

    hi Sudar,

    In my sidebar, I want to automatically log where I made the last post . Is this achievable with your plugin?

    An example of how to use it for the millions who use wordpress but not PHP would be great.


    • Sudar says:


      Right now it not possible out of the box. But this seems to be a valid usecase. I will add it to my todo list and will implement this feature when I get some free time.

  • Hello. Can I retroactively apply this to the posts that already exist on the blog? Or will it only apply to posts created after this is installed?

    • Sudar says:

      Right now you can apply it only to posts that are created after the Plugin is installed. It will also work if you edit the old posts after installing the Plugin.

  • Kris says:

    This is definitely something I’m interested in using for one of my sites.

    At the moment, I’ve previously manually added the lat/long as my own custom fields per post (I can handle any migration of that). For this plugin, does the user get to enter the lat/long if they choose, or is it something that’s detected by the user’s machine via WiFi, etc.? It wasn’t clear to me from the overview (sorry).

    I like the GeoRSS feed feature, too, which I wanted to use for displaying posts on a Google Map using the existing site feed.

    For what it’s worth, you can check out what I have now over at – click on one of the photos on the home page and you’ll see what my posts look like. There currently is a Google Map Image (using their static image API) that shows the location of each post. If I could utilize this plugin for storing the location details, displaying the name via Yahoo’s API, and the GeoRSS feed, I could implement a shortcode for the static map image on my own and would be happy to send that code back to you if you’d like.

    Also, I have another blog that’s a photography portfolio that references photos on Flickr that are geotagged. I’m already using the Flickr API to pull in EXIF data, so I could definitely see doing something with this, too, to show location and a map of where the photo was taken.

    Great work here, and looking forward to your thoughts.

    – Kris

  • Skip Tracing says:

    Hey there! My spouse and I find this site to be extremely interesting.

  • Niels says:


    I have one simple question: Is there a limit on the number of posts that can be geolocated. A maximum of 1000 a day for example.

  • Hi Sudar, really cool plugin. Starting some experiments this weekend, thanks.

    Also, on wordpress, where you click “details” for your plugin. There is a link in the description “Geo tags in the RSS feed.”

    This link goes to which tells you that the page has been moved and to click a link which is malicious.

    Thought you’d want to know.



  • Erica says:

    Hi there Sudar,

    can you give an example of a website that successfully uses this plugin with microformats?

    thank you!

  • baetmaen says:

    Just created the german translation, not even sure if the plugin matches my project 😉

    • Sudar says:

      Can you also send me the .mo file as well?

      I will release it as part of my next release once you send me the .mo file as well.

  • Paul Hellen says:

    thanks a bundle for sharing it with us…….

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