Pro Addons for Email Log WordPress Plugin

Email Log is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to log all emails that are sent from WordPress, either by WordPress core or by any installed plugin.

In addition to logging emails, the plugin also provides a couple of add-ons to enhance the functionality.

You can find more details about the add-ons and payment options from our add-on store.

95 Comments so far

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  • Melissa says:

    I purchased the more fields add on, but I’m not sure where to go from there. Is there extra files to download? I received no other email other than the paypal receipt.

    • Sudar says:

      You should have got an email from me with the instructions and the addon. Kindly check your email and let me know if you have recieved it. Thanks.

      • sam mohammad says:

        sudar, ive paid via paypal for add on, which I can confirm if you don’t get the email, but have changed email recently, can you help?

        • Sudar says:

          We send the add-on to the email address given to us by paypal. If you want us to send the add-on to a different email address, then let me know.

  • Melissa says:

    Received. Apologies 🙂 My email server can be a bit slow sometimes.

  • KTS915 says:

    After purchase, can I use the More Fields Add-on on more than one site, or do I need to purchase an add-on for each site?

    • Sudar says:

      Right now you can use it on any number of sites.

      Eventually I might introduce site license. But if I do it, I will give unlimited site license to all the people who already own an license.

  • KTS915 says:

    I did go ahead and purchase the More Fields add-on.

    But I have a problem. All the fields show up in the back-end but, whenever an email is sent, the CC, BCC, and Reply-To fields always say N/A, even though I know that emails have been sent to CC and BCC (because they were intended to be sent and have been received).

    The From field behaves erratically; sometimes it is completed accurately; on other occasions it too says just N/A.

    What do you suggest?

    • Sudar says:

      Kindly send me a screenshot of the log page.

      Also are you using any other plugins that are related to email like wpmandrill?

      • KTS915 says:

        Screenshot sent by email, together with other information. Thanks for looking into this.

      • seeker2734 says:

        I’m having the same issue with the More Fields add on where the CC and BCC fields just say “N/A” though I know they should contain entries. If you have come up with a solution, could you share? Thanks!

        • Sudar says:

          I am currently working with @KTS915 to fix it.

          Will update this comment once I figure out what is happening.

        • Sudar says:

          @seeker2734 and @KTS915,

          I have found the issue and have fixed it.

          I have also sent the updated addons to both of you through email. Kindly check the new version and let me know if you are still facing this issue.

  • seeker2734 says:

    That seems to have fixed it for me. A few of the entries still have N/A in the From field, but those are consistently the password reset emails that I believe are system generated, so I don’t think that’s an issue with your plugin. All CC and BCC entries now appear correct to me.

    Thanks for the quick fix!

  • KTS915 says:

    Yes, this fix seems to have it working for me now too. Thanks very much!

  • Amelia says:

    I’m interested in the Forward emails feature. Is this active or passive? That is, would I need to manually forward emails or does the system do it automatically?

    • Sudar says:

      Once you install the plugin and addon, you just have to specify the email address to which all emails have to be forwarded. After that my addon will automatically forward all emails that are sent through WordPress to the email address that you have specified.

      • Matt says:

        Hi Sudar,

        I can’t seem to find any option for type in the email address I would like things forwarded to. Where can I find this?

  • matteo says:

    Hi Sudar,

    I’m interested in buying the more field Add on.

    What I need is the email of users who send message through my contact form.

    as you can see from the link

    at bottom of page.

    the field “your email” in the basic version of your plug-in is displayed into the “message” column.

    But I need it in a separate column.

    thanks in advance 🙂

    • Sudar says:

      Hi Matteo,

      I am not able to see your contact form in the above link. Can you check it and send me a different link? Or send me a screenshot so that I can understand your requirement. Thanks.

  • Jim Proctor says:

    I’ve just purchased More Fields Add-On:

    Dec 11, 2014 14:43:58 PST
    Transaction ID: 8KX91441MD189991F

    Does this require that you manually email me install code? I’ve received PayPal confirmation, but not your email yet, and it’s not in spam folder.

    Many thanks,

    Jim P.

  • Rob says:

    In Email log was reported sending e-mails to all subscribers. However nobody did get the email. How come?

    • Sudar says:

      My plugin logs the email as they are sent from WordPress and doesn’t record the delivery status.

      There could be a couple of things that might have went wrong that prevents the email from getting delivered. You can start your debugging by checking your server email configuration first.

  • Jim says:


    I’m very interested in your forwarding add-on, but I’m interested in it if there is some way to forward ONLY the emails sent to me via the Contact form in my blog. I am not interested in forwarding emails that Subscribe2 sends out to my Subscribers notifying them of a new blog entry. I’m also not interested in forwarding emails that Updraft-Backup sends to me after a scheduled backup. All of these show up in my Email log. Is there a way to filter the forwarding of emails that are sent to me Only through my Contact page?

    Thanks in advance,


    • Sudar says:

      Hello Jim,

      It is not possible to do it using my current Forward email addon.

      I can develop a custom addon for you if you are interested.

  • Jim says:

    How much $$$?


  • Harry says:

    Downloaded an hour ago, still haven’t received instructions on how to download the plugin

    • Sudar says:


      Looks like the initial email was not sent to you. I have manually sent a mail to you.

      Let me know if you have not received it.

  • Robert de Leeuw says:

    Hi Sudar,
    I bought an addon, payed by paypal, but never got an email.
    What’s next?
    Kind regards, Robert

  • Mario Testa says:

    i’m waiting for your mail with addon. code 8DX469005F8422420
    Let me know.


  • Agustín says:

    Hi, I’ve just bought the addon but still haven’t received it. You can see my email by this form. Thanx.

  • Agustín says:

    Urgent! I’ve just figured out that I bought the wrong addon. I bought the More Fields Addon but I wanted Resend Email Addon. Could I change it? If not, it’s ok, I made a mistake.

  • Mike Wallick says:

    Just checking in since I haven’t seen an email yet with the file(s) to download.


  • Brad Gaspard says:

    I purchased the pro plugin and have received nothing other than a paypal receipt. How long does it usually take to get the download link for the pro version? I ordered about 10 hours ago.

    • Sudar says:

      Paypal had a delayed notification for this payment and because of which our automatic email failed for this order.

      I manually just triggered the email with the instructions and add-on just now.

      In case you have not received it, then please check the spam folder as well.

  • April says:

    Hi, in the same boat. Got a PayPal receipt but no email from you guys.

    • Sudar says:

      Paypal had a delayed notification for this payment and because of which our automatic email failed for this order.

      I manually just triggered the email with the instructions and add-on just now.

      In case you have not received it, then please check the spam folder as well.

      Apologies for the delay.

  • Steven says:

    Hi, I bought your forward email add-on a few hours ago and still haven’t received an email with it on yet? I’ve checked my junk folder too. thanks 🙂

    • Sudar says:

      Apologies Steven,

      There was some problem with the paypal notification which failed to trigger the add-on email. I just manually triggered it now.

      Kindly let me know if you need any other assistance regarding this purchase.

  • Baris says:

    Hi Sudar,

    I bought the add-on a few hours ago and have not received anything.

    Can you please check?

    Thank you,


    • Sudar says:

      Hello Baris,

      Apologies. For some reason the paypal notification didn’t trigger our ordering system. We are investigating it.

      Meanwhile I have sent the add-on and instructions to you manually. If the mail is not there in your inbox, then please check the spam folder as well.

      Let us know if you are still facing any issues with this order.

  • Tyera Eulberg says:

    In case you are still experiencing the problem with Paypal notifications, can you please go ahead and send me the add-on and instructions for the Resend Email Addon I just ordered? Thank you!

  • Simon Hammerton says:

    Hi there

    Am awaiting your email for paid add-on fields?


  • Simon Hammerton says:

    Transaction ID

    • Sudar says:

      Hello Simon,

      I just checked our records and found that an email has already been sent for the above transaction id. If it is not there in your inbox, then please check the spam folder.

      If you still are not able to find it, then give us an alternate email address to which we can send the add-on.

  • Simon Hammerton says:

    Hi there Sudar

    Nothing received unfortunately.

    Please email to xxxxxx

    Plse then delete this message 🙂


    • Sudar says:

      I sent the add-on to the new email address as well, but your server is rejecting any email that contains a zip file.

      Both the emails have bounced.

      Let me try to upload the add-on to my server and then give you a link.

  • Simon Hammerton says:

    Received thanks

    Would it be feasible for you to capture “bounces” via this plugin?


  • kb says:

    Hi, bought the add-on but nothing is received… My email server does not receive zip files so please send a link. Thanks

    • Sudar says:

      Just checked our records and found that your email was actually bounced back.

      I have sent another email which contains the link from which you can download the addon. Let me know if you still face any issues with it.

  • Rob says:

    Pre-sale question:
    Is there a way of viewing the log on the front-end?

    Great plugin – thank you!

    • Sudar says:

      Hello Rob,

      Right now there is no way to view the logs in the frontend. But the data is there in the db. So you would be able to retrieve and then show them in the frontend if needed.

  • Elsa Blomster says:

    I bought the plugin yesterday and I’m waiting for the email with the plugin. Have you sent it yet? Or when can I expect to recieve it?

  • James says:

    Hi, I just bought this plugin but I have not received it yet.

    • Sudar says:

      Hello James,

      Apologies for the delay. I just found that paypal made a delayed notification for your payment which didn’t trigger the automatic email.

      I have sent the email manually just now. If it is not there in your inbox, then check your spam folder. If it is not there in spam also then let me know.

  • Larret says:

    Hello we use your Email Log plugin on one of your sites, and this week purchased the “Resend Email” add-on plugin. Unfortunately, we did not receive a link to the add-on plugin, although we were directed to a Thank You/Confirmation page.

    Please check for our domain in your PayPal purchase records.

    We look forward to hearing from you, and getting the Resend add-on up and running.

    Thank you!

    • Sudar says:

      I just checked our order processing system and found that there is an order from an email address belonging to your domain. This order was already processed and an email was sent to the email address given to us by paypal with the add-on and instructions. If the email is not there in your inbox, then please check your spam folder. If it is not there even in spam, then give us an alternate email address to which we can send the add-on.

  • Larret says:

    My mistake…let’s try that one again!

    • Sudar says:

      Not a problem and I forwarded the email to all the 3 email addresses that you entered in the form.

      Also I just found that the original email that was sent to the paypal email address has bounced back, since your domain doesn’t allow zip file attachments.

  • Oxley says:


    I have two questions if you permit me:

    1- I am using SendGrid (and their plugin simply named SendGrid) in order to send my emails. I can use your plugin to check my emails log. It works ok but will your add-ons work with SendGrid?

    2- I dont see the difference between the add-ons “Resend Email” and “Forward Email”.

    Resend Email: “This addon allows you to resend an email directly from the email logs. The addon allows you to modify the different fields before resending the email.”

    So it says I can resend an email like initially intended but it also says I can modify the fields. The way I understand is that I can change the address of the receiver. Then what is the difference with forwarding an email which consists in sending an email to somebody else than the person initially “targeted”?

    In another words it seems to me (but I guess I am missing something) that the “Resend Email” add-on does also the job of the “Forward Email” add-on.

    Could you clarify? Thanks in advance for your answer.


    • Sudar says:

      Hello Oxley,

      Thanks for your questions and your interest in my plugin. Here are the answers.

      1) My plugin and add-ons uses wp-mail function and follows WordPress coding standard to hook into WordPress. So both the plugin and the pro-addons should work with SendGrid without any issues.

      2) Resend Email add-on allows you to re-send the email directly from the email logs page with (or without) modifications. This is done individually for each email if needed to. The use case here is, say your email recipient says they have not received the email. You can select the email from email log and then re-send only this email.

      On the other hand, the forward email add-on allows people to setup automatic forwarding so that all emails that are sent from your site are automatically forwarded to the email address that you provide. Example scenario is, let’s say you want to save a copy of all emails that you send from your site in a backup email address.

      I will try to add more details to the add-on descriptions and also the above example scenario so that it becomes clear.

    • Oxley says:


      Thank you for your precisions. I knew I was missing something.
      But yes, you should indeed add the examples you gave here in the products description.

      And sorry for my late “thank you”.


  • Scott says:

    Hello, I never received an email after I purchased this plugin.

    • Sudar says:

      Hello Scott,

      I just checked the records and found that we had sent you an email which has the add-on as zip file as soon as we received the payment notification email from Paypal.

      If the email is not there in your inbox, then kindly check your spam folder. If the email is not there even in your spam folder then give us an alternate email address to which we can send the add-on.

  • create888 says:

    Is there a facility to mass export all email addresses?

  • Valerie Cudnik says:

    Did not get an email with the plugin. Only got the paypal receipt.

    • Sudar says:

      Hello Valerie,

      I checked out records and found that I have already sent the plugin through email to the email address that paypal gave me, which is also the same one that you used to post this comment.

      In case if it is still not there in your inbox then please check the spam folder as well. If you still have not received it then let me know.

  • Ryan Hellyer says:

    I bought the More Fields Addon because I needed to solve a problem immediately. I didn’t realise the plugin would take hours (days maybe?) to arrive. I may not have purchased it if I’d realised I wouldn’t receive it immediately.

    • Sudar says:

      Hello Ryan,

      Apologies for the delay. The purchase happened during midnight my time so I was not able to send the add-on immediately to you.

      I have sent the add-on through an email.

  • Debbie says:

    Hi, I bought your forward email add-on a few hours ago and still haven’t received an email with it on yet? I’ve checked my junk folder too. thanks

    • Sudar says:

      Hello Debbie,

      Apologies for the delay. I just triggered the email for you.

      We are currently in the process of making a new release in a couple of hours and that’s why we had paused the order system.

      I have currently send you old add-on through email. In a couple of hours you will receive another email that will help you upgrade to the new add-on.

  • Roland Pot says:

    Hi, I like the ‘plain’ plug-in and am looking at the add-ons as some seem interesting, but what’s the upgrade policy on them? Are there recurring fees or are they one-time payments?

    • Sudar says:

      Hello Roland,

      We just released a new licensing system for the add-ons. There are both one-time payment option and recurring payment options available now.

      You can get the full details in our new add-on store.

      PS: We just released the add-on store today.

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