Email Log WordPress Plugin

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  • After installation the table doesn’t exist. When I try to create it with phpMyAdmin I get this error message: Too big column length for column ‘subject’ (max = 255). Use BLOB instead.

    • Sudar says:


      Thanks for reporting the issue. I guess it is related to the version of MySQL. I had access to only MySQL 5, so tested it only in that. Would be really helpful for me to fix it, if you could let me know the version of MySQL. You can find it in phpMyAdmin itself.

      • You are right: the version is 4.0.27.

        • Sudar says:


          Thanks for confirming the MySQL version number. I will modify the table creation script to make it work in MySQL 4 also.

        • Sudar says:


          I have released an updated version (v0.2) of the Plugin which fixes the issue with MySQL 4. Try it out and let me know if it works for you.

          Thanks for reporting the issue.

          • Frank Weichbrodt says:

            Thank You for working on this problem.
            But the is a new error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, UNIQUE KEY id (id)’


            • Sudar says:


              Thanks for helping me to fix the compatibility issue with MySQL 4. I have released a new version of the Plugin with the fixes.

  • ovidiu says:

    the instructions seem wrong to me. dropping a folder into mu-plugins usually does nothing…

    if I only activate it for the main blog, will I see all emails that have been sent on the whole wpmu installation?

    • Sudar says:


      Thanks for pointing it out. I am not very much familiar with WordPress MU, so it may be wrong. I will test it again and will change the instructions.

  • Russell Hunt says:


    Just wondering if in future developments we can look at the body of what was in the email, inside the wordpress admin panel, as opposed to having to look it up in the MySQL database?

    Using Firefox so don’t know if something is missing or if I am missing something? LOL

    Good app though, love it 😀

    • Sudar says:

      Yeah, it there in my todo list, will work on it when I get some free time.

      • Magnus says:

        Love your plugin! Just checking to see if you’ve managed to work anything on this? Would be a great addition, especially for community sites that require moderation like sites running BuddyPress which is increasing rapidly in popularity.

  • Ovidiu says:

    another weird story is that I just sent out an email to all registered users of my formerly wpmu based, now wp 3.0.1 multi-site enabled blogging platform and your email says I sent a whole bunch of emails to no recipient? See screen shot please:

  • Steve says:

    Great plugin! The only issue I have with it, is that it shows me the server time (CST) and not the time I have set up in WordPress.
    Unfortunately, I can’t change the server time, as I am on a shared server.
    Is there any workaround to this?

  • Gytis says:

    I use it log user contacts (wp_mail is used to send mails to admin)
    Question is this logging SQL injection protected?

  • Israel says:

    I updated to the latest version and now it seems like the plugin is not registering new emails in the log and also if I try to delete the logs it will fail. Looking at the PHP errors, I see this: WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘)’ at line 1 for query DELETE FROM wp_email_log where id IN () made by require_once(‘wp-admin/admin.php’), do_action(‘tools_page_email-log’), call_user_func_array, EmailLog->settings_page

    • Sudar says:

      I just tried using the latest version of the Plugin and I am not getting any issues.

      Can you give me these additional information so that I can debug it?

      – MySQL version
      – PHP Version
      – WordPress Version
      – Plugin Version

  • Israel says:

    The issue happened after doing the update from the previous version to the current one. I removed the plugin and reinstalled it and it seems to be doing okay now. Anyways, the PHP is 5.3, WP is 3.4.2, MySQL 5.0, plugin 0.9.1. Thanks.

    • Sudar says:

      It is still strange, because I did a update myself and was not facing this issue. Anyways will keep this in mind and see if I can replicate it.

  • Israel says:

    Hello Sudar,
    I would like to give a suggestion for your plugin (or maybe another plugin). It would be really nice if we had the option to resend an email that was previously sent.
    I have noticed that sometimes WordPress fails to send some emails… a lot of people who use GoDaddy have issues with emails not being delivered. I just recently changed my SMTP to another service other than GoDaddy and so far my WordPress installation failed to send only one email. Your plugin logged the email as sent, but the server failed to actually send the email out.
    This would be a really good add-on to your plugin!
    Hope you can take this into consideration.

    • Sudar says:

      That’s actually a very nice feature to have. The only problem is that my Plugin (or WordPress for that matter) has no way to know whether the email failed or not.

      Anyway added it to the TODO list. Will implement it when I get some free time of if someone is ready to sponsor the feature 😉

      • Israel says:

        That would be fantastic, Sudar!
        I agree with you, WordPress has no way of knowing if the email was sent or not. In my case, I compare the logs from your plugin with the logs of the SMTP service I use and then I am able to determine if WordPress failed to send any of the emails. If everything is going fine, the number of emails sent that is shown in your plugin matches the number of emails sent showing on my SMTP service. If the numbers are different, I can compare the logs. If your plugin has the feature to resend the email, then I can ask your plugin to attempt to send the email again.
        I really appreciate your consideration implementing this feature. I have not seen any other plugin out there that can do this so far.

  • Anonymous says:

    I want to update the email confirmation of registration, where should I change?

  • giselevreis says:

    I want to update the email confirmation of registration, where should I change?

  • John says:

    Just used WordPress Plugin for the first time. My Email list is about fifty, plugin showed only two sent. I have confirmed that at least three where sent.
    Using Bluehost as provider and Subscribe 2 as Email send program.

    Will take a few days to confirm any others sent. However something is wrong. Any help is appreciated. Tell me where to start looking for problem.


    • Sudar says:

      Hello John,

      How did you confirm that the email was sent?

      Also note that, one limitation of the Plugin is that the emails that were sent through wp_mail function in WordPress only will be logged.

      • HI Sudar: Seems to be logging only Emails sent to which is the blogs Email program. My list of others would all have individual Emails. Comment Emails are also being logged. Will the Pro add on allow me to correct this?

        Thanks for the help,

        • Sudar says:


          My Plugin will log emails that are sent through wp_mail function in WordPress. If any plugin sends email using other functions will not be logged.

          No the pro addon will not change this. The Pro addon will only allow you to forward all emails that are sent to another email address.

  • Hi Sudar: There was a problem at my provider (Blue Host) at the time of my last post. Not sure the emails were allowed to go. Will be posting again soon, will see what happens then.

    Thanks for the help,

  • Ryan Carter says:

    Hi Sudar, I’m looking for a little information on the ‘Forward email pro’ addon for your wordpress email plugin ‘Email Users’ Could you possibly email me so I can get the question answered before I purchase?

  • Fran says:

    I paid for the pro addon how do i get it?

  • marikamitsos says:

    Hello Sudar,
    We are testing (on wordpress 3.6) the new v.1.5.1 -which looks and feels great !!!!! (Thank you)

    We are facing a problem though with the Search Logs.
    It ONLY returns (on subject) results that start with english characters. To understand better, here are three (3) different scenarios, with various search terms when the subject is:

    “The man Άντονυ Κουΐν, who is “:
    1. the man –> 1 results
    2. Άντονυ –> 0 results
    3. who is –> 0 results

    “Άντονυ Κουΐν, who is the man “:
    1. the man –> 0 results
    2. Άντονυ Κουΐν –> 0 results

    As you see there seems to be an issue/bug with NON-english characters.

    Could you please have a look at it?

    thank you

  • Howard says:

    Following an upgrade I get this error – Fatal error: Class name must be a valid object or a string in /var/sites/m/ on line 62

    How do I fix this?

    • Sudar says:

      I just checked and the latest version of email-log and the addon plugin version and everything seems to be working.

      Can you tell me what are your

      1. WordPress version
      2. PHP version
      3. Email Log plugin version
  • Howard says:

    Hi, its odd, it just seems to be the upgrade process. After it stalls, i rename the plugin folder, reinstall the plugin and all is ok again.

    WP 3.5.2
    PHP 5.3.10
    Email Log 1.5.4 & Forwarder 0.1

    • Sudar says:

      That for the details. I think I have figured out the reason why you are getting this error. The addon depends on email log pluign and during update, WordPress disables the email log plugin and that is the reason for the error.

      I have added some conditions to prevent this error in v0.2 of the addon and have emailed them to you.

  • angelpayy says:

    How do I change the time on my email log? The time it is showing is incorrect.

  • Ben says:

    Hi I have the latest version of your plugin, wp and MySQL.

    However no logs are being kept. They used to be kept but not anymore.

    I have it network activated on my MU.

    some sites keep logs but others do not.

    Please advise on how to fix this.


    • Sudar says:

      My plugin is not fully compatible with multisite, when it is network activated and I am currently working on fixing it.

      Meanwhile can you try to individually activate the plugin on your different blogs?

    • Sudar says:

      Hello Ben,

      I just released v1.7 of the plugin which has full compatibility with WordPress multisite.

      Kindly update to the latest version and let me know if you still face any issues.

  • jpw94 says:

    Is there a way to delete all log entries in a single command?

  • jpw94 says:

    Delete all logs feature = Awesome! Thank you!

  • Stefan says:

    Unfortunately i deleted one e-mail from log. Can i retrace this e-mail?

    • Sudar says:

      Unfortunately there is no way to retrieve the email log from the plugin.

      But if you have a backup of the WordPress db, then you can find the log inside the wp-email-log table.

      • Stefan says:

        Thanks for your instantly hint! Unfortunately my last backup was yesterday and i received the deleted e-mail today – before the next backup. It can´t be helped – that´s life.
        In the backup of the WordPress db from yesterday i can see all older e-mails. Good to know.
        Thank you!

  • Joe Capone says:

    Any idea when you plan to add the feature for resending emails?

    • Sudar says:

      Hello Joe,

      It is in my todo list, but unfortunately I don’t have a timeline on it yet.

      Would you be interested in sponsoring that feature?

  • jared says:

    Can you set the date range for the email log? For instance is there a date range like 15 days or something that the log keeps in the table.

    For some reason only have about 12 days of logs in my table? I want set this to keep all emails in the log forever if possible.

    I can’t find any settings for this plugin.

    Please advise.

    Thanks so much.


  • John Choe says:

    I found something that you would be interested in email log wp plug in.

    I ran into where email log admin shows blank and tracked it down to

    $total_items = $wpdb->query( $query );

    from the plug-in’s class-email-log-list-table.php’s prepareItems function.

    This line fails and quits php process altogether.

    This issue happens when the number of rows is large. In my case, we have over 19,000 rows that the query returns.

    I found a simple fix by replacing the query on the long query with a query of just count and getting a value.

    $countQuery = str_replace(“SELECT ​* FROM “,”SELECT COUNT(*​) FROM “, $query);

    $total_items = $wpdb->get_var($countQuery);
    // Pagination parameters
    //$total_items = $wpdb->query( $query ); //return the total number of affected rows

  • Mordechai Buxner says:

    This plugin used to be invaluable for our WooCommerce store, but at a certain point it just stopped working. This may be tied to the fact that we have sent hundreds of thousands of e-mails by this point. Regardless, it worked again when I changed line 286 of include/class-email-log-list-table.php from:

    $count_query = ‘SELECT * FROM ‘ . $table_name;


    $count_query = ‘SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ‘ . $table_name;

  • Sumit P says:

    Hi Sudar,

    I am not able to purchase on PayPal. It is asking me to use different card. Do you have any other payment method? Also, I believe PayPal does not allow india-india transactions.

    • Sudar says:

      Hello Sumit,

      Yeah paypal doesn’t allow India-India transactions. If you are from India then we can do direct bank transfer.

      Let me know if that is fine with you. I can send you my bank details through email.

  • Hi,

    Can i instal this plugin if i uwe WordPress 4.7?


  • Hi Sudar, I have to get rid of my hosting service in regards to wordpress emails. They simply discard, trash or erase emails sent and i´m losing contacts. I need to know the email (Reply-to) from which the user is sending emails. Which add-on is useful for this. I have two simple forms in my site (one for a Mailing List and the other one for Bookings -I´m a musician). You can see the forms (Contact form 7 in the home page and the bookings page of my site ( Which add-on do I have to buy to grab those email addresses?

    I´ll buy on reply!!!

    Juan de Marcos

    • Sudar says:

      Hello Juan,

      Thanks for contacting me. Are the users sending you the email from their email address or through you website?

  • Tongkat Ali says:

    Very good info, I can use some of them. Thank you.

  • Alika says:

    Hello Sudar,

    We love your great Email Log plugin!

    But we just upgraded our PHP to the latest version of 7.3.2 and now our emails are no longer being sent out from WordPress, version 5.2.2.

    We ran a PHP compatibility checker and found the following warning:

    Line 140 | WARNING | INI directive ‘safe_mode’ is deprecated since PHP 5.3 and removed since PHP 5.4

    Please help and advise.

    Thanks in advance,

  • I can not view the log when logged in as the Admin. Why is that?

    • Sudar says:

      Hello Jonathan,

      Looks like I had missed your comment earlier.

      Looks like the user doesn’t have the ‘manage_options’ capability.

      Are you still facing this issue?

  • Jack says:

    When I try to use the drop-down menu to bulk delete logs, I receive a 414 error if I try to delete a whole page or too many at once. I can delete individual logs and I can delete 20 or 30 at a time, but if I try to delete the whole page or even half a page (though I haven’t yet determined just what the maximum number is), the error page is returned and nothing gets deleted. What can I do?

  • Juan says:

    Very good info, I can use some of them. Thank you.

  • Great and informative article!

  • Hayato says:

    We’re using Email Log for our websites and it works perfectly. However, we’d like to know is it possible to see attachments of emails in the log?

  • Randy says:

    Hello, Love this plugin! How would I link the IP address in the log to open in a new window to address ? Thanks!

  • Adrian Wirth says:

    good Plugin that works perfectly- thanks!

    I had to install a geo-blocker plugin where I block all countries but mine.
    Which country do I need to allow to send me emails so that your plugin is working?

    Kind regards

  • Theo says:

    Hi Sudar,

    I updated a WordPress site that was set up around 2017 to the most recent wordpress recently.
    I now get the following error when i use your e-mail log plugin:

    Notice: Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly. Translation loading for the email-log domain was triggered too early. This is usually an indicator for some code in the plugin or theme running too early. Translations should be loaded at the init action or later. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 6.7.0.) in /var/www/vhosts/(***removed for privacy***)/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114

    (How) can this be fixed?

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