Tag Archives: Google Gadgets

Consolidated all my code in github

I got introduced to Git and Gitbub by Yuvi and ever since I have been hooked up. I have started using it for all my pet projects. I even convinced Steve Bruner so that I can use Github for RoloPress. πŸ™‚

Over the years I have released lot of code out in the wild and I thought of consolidating all of them in Github, so that it can be of use to someone who might need them. At last I found some time and uploaded most of them to my Gitbub account.

Below is the description of some of those projects which are currently there in my Github account.

Bright Light

Bright Light is the WordPress theme, which is powering up my blog. I have released it out hoping that it might be useful for someone.

Android Samples

I created this project to share my homework and the sample code used in the β€œDeveloping Android Applications in Java” online class, which I am currently following.

RoloPress core and RoloPress Default

These projects contain my contribution to RoloPress, a WordPress based contact manager. You can read more about WordPress from its homepage.

FeedBurner – stats

FeedBurner-stats is a Google Gadget which allows you to keep track of your Feedburner subscriber count. It uses Google Chart API and Google Gadget API.

Bloglines Notifier

Bloglines Notifier is a Google Gadget which will notify you the count of unread items in your Bloglines account. (Hope someone is still using Bloglines πŸ˜‰ )


It is a fork of John Resig’s retweet script which I am using in my Easy Reweet WordPress Plugin. I have added a new feature to this script which allows you to associate the list of urls created to your bit.ly account.

Count Words

It’s a small Ruby script which prints the number of words (with their count) present in a given text file

Bulk unrar

It is a small Ruby script which unrars all files found in all the subdirectories of a director given in the command line.

I am still undecided about porting my WordPress Plugins from the official WordPress Plugin repository to Github. I guess it is better to have my Plugins in the Plugin repository for now.

Update (Feb-2013): I have now started to use github for my WordPress Plugins as well.

BTW feel free to fork any of these projects and I would be happy to pull in your changes if you have added some enhancements to them. πŸ™‚

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Updated FeedBurner stats Google Gadget

I have updated my FeedBurner stats Google Gadget, to change the API endpoint to feedburner.google.com. If you have already added the gadget to iGoogle or have embedded it in your web pages, the changes will apply automatically and you don’t need to change anything.

The Gadget ceased to work after Google changed the API endpoint and it should continue to work after this change.

The full source code of this gadget is available here and if you are interested you can add it to your Google personalised page by clicking this button. Add to Google

Let me know if you still face any issues with the Gadget.

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Google Gadget to keep track of your FeedBurner stats

FeedBurner Stats Google GadgetI had some free time this weekend and I used it to create my second Google Gadget called called FeedBurner stats. (By the way my first gadget was Bloglines Notifier, which notifies the count of unread items in your Bloglines account). It uses FeedBurner Awareness API to fetch the subscriber count of your FeedBurner feed and displays it using Google Charts API.

The full source code of this gadget is available here and if you are interested you can add it to your Google personalised page by clicking this button. Add to Google

After you add the gadget, you just need to enter your FeedBurner feed URL. The gadget will fetch the subscriber count for the past one week and will display it in a nice bar graph using Google Charts API.

API’s used

The following are the API’s used for creating this gadget

Posted in API's/Mashup | Tagged , , , | 10 Comments

Bloglines Notifier – My First Google Gadget

Bloglines Notifier Google GadgetI didn’t have much to do last weekend and so I thought of giving a try to Google Gadget and ended up developing my first Google Gadget – Bloglines Notifier. As the name implies it will notify you the count of unread items in your Bloglines account. (Nothing special just a trivial one πŸ˜‰ )

You need to enter your Bloglines account email id and it will retrieve the unread count using the Bloglines API and display it in the Gadget screen. The count will be automatically refreshed according to the interval set in the Gadget settings. Since Bloglines doesn’t need you to be authenticated before retrieving the unread count you don’t need to enter your Bloglines account password.

The Google Gadget API is very simple to start with but at the same time very powerful if you need to do complex or advanced things. If you are interested grab the Google Gadget API Developers Guide and get started. It’s actually that simple.

The full source code of this Gadget is available here and if you are interested you can add it to your personalized page by clicking this button. Add to Google

Now I can have one icon less in my system tray. πŸ˜‰ BTW if you guys have a nice idea for a Gadget, let me know I shall give a try.

Resources Used

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